Says the guy with: "Subterranean, The House of Worms... Enter in and let my voice be heard..." as his sig line. . .
Who would want to rehabilitate them, and how the hell could they possibly have any positive effect on anyone? Being an example of committing murder, and then getting away with it by saying "I'm sorry"?
What a fucking idiot. . .
Back to quoting my signature for no reason when it has absolutely
nothing to do with the topic at hand again are we? Good argument.
And in the meantime, the families of those murdered by the two brothers..... they get a real warm and fuzzy feeling inside knowing that the ass-wipes who killed their kin are the poster child for rehabilitation?
WTF is wrong with you? It's not murder when you kill a murderer. It's called paying the piper.
I suppose using your logic, if someone were to steal your car, stab a liquor store owner to death, swipe the cash from the register, and then pick up a woman at a tavern, take her to the local No-Tell Motel and murder her.... you figure it would be quite nice if he were rehabilitated and got to spend the rest of his life getting three hots and a cot.
You're fucked in the head.
No, it's called stooping to the very thing you so righteously condemn. Killing the criminals isn't going to bring those people's family members back either. That's the thing about people like
you. People who show off their guns to strangers and get all excited when something horrible and violent happens. People like you are out for blood, one way or another. I don't believe for 1 millisecond that you give a shit about the families of the people that were killed. You're just using it (and them) as an excuse to push for killing more people. We get it. You yearn for the days frontier justice and being able to kill anybody who looked at you the wrong way (probably a black guy in your case). Guess what? That's not how the real world works anymore, and the sooner assholes like yourself fucking die off (yeah die off, not taken into a room full of hillbillies and cooked in an electric chair) for the good of the human race, the sooner people that were lucky enough to be born with any sense at all can start making progress.
Now, how could you possibly make progress in this situation? By helping these criminals to learn from the terrible errors of their ways through therapy or *shudders*
Jesus. Perhaps then they can speak to budding criminals about what its like to live in an 8 foot cell and eat shitty prison food and never be able to have an actual love life or do anything they enjoyed before getting permanently locked up. What it's like to have to constantly look over your shoulder because any number of the next 300 guys in line could decide to start a riot by stabbing someone in the neck with a busted lunch tray. It may not do much, but it's a hell of a lot more productive than just killing them. Not to mention the people who have been executed only to later be found innocent by some new evidence. I admit that some people just can't be saved from themselves, but that's no excuse to just start killing them.