Enjoy your trolling in other threads then! How's that working out for you in your life? Fantastically I bet!
You've just pointed out another thing that annoys me about pornstars. But anyways firstly my life is pretty good thanks, not perfect granted but I enjoy it. Secondly just because I have an opinion about something that you don't agree with doesn't mean I'm right or wrong, It's just an opinion (Like yours about my life). I wasn't trolling, if you read the fact I wasn't going to take it further, that's good proof that I wasn't looking for an argument.
Cheap, Immature remarks certainly aren't the way forward. I mean have I actually insulted yourself? Or anybody else for that matter?, The answer is no. I've just gave an opinion, and you immediately jumped to "Oh he's trolling, he's such a hater.....wah wah wah". Surely your more intelligent then that.
Personally I couldn't care less of your or anybody else's opinion about me, But what I will say is that my opinions are my opinions and weather you agree with them or not is in no way going to change them. I especially don't suck up and kiss people's asses which most people on this forum does to ocsm's. If you want a good fashioned debate then please feel free to join in, I enjoy it. But if you want to continue with childish, immature remarks then please don't. I don't like having debates with children.