This is what I cannot understand: this asshole who gunned down a dozen people in Arizona, the Virginia Tech killer and the countless others have lost their minds, succumbed to their mental illness and murdered and injured innocent, good people for no reason.
That's sad and horrific and all that...but why can't these crazy, shattered minds ever..EVER decide that the WBC is after them or why can't these lost, nutty people find some weird insane philosophy that requires horrible, awful people to be their victims?
I hate violence, I want there to be a day when murder become a historic term and I won't even wish death on vile trolls like the Westboro Baptist Church...BUT, if murders are inevitable, I'd at least like to see them somewhat useful. Instead of college kids, gym members, nursing students or people attending a politic discussion, maybe think about the evil, demented and ignorant people who see their life's work as making people suffer. Why can't crazy, broken people target them?