were people more fun in the past?


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It's almost 10pm. I have a few minutes to write something before I go study until I collapse from exhaustion. I feel guilty that I'm not working 2 jobs like some others I know, who also have to learn. I dare not speak too much because a) I may not agree with the others, b) everyone is monitored, assessed, judged, their speech and actions recorded, c) I don't like having to be squeezed into a mould.
Some day when I have enough money, dye my hair black or go semi-bald to get chicks to like me, buy a house, a fancy car, learn how to speak in witticisms and engage in small talk, pay off my student loan, pay all the other bills, then yes, Barbie, we'll have so much FUN.
Even so I do try to steer a steady course to ensure my life and the lives of those around me are at least happy, rather than bring everyone down.
It is more fun when one isn't judged and criticised, it just takes longer to pull yourself back together when you are bullied, whether it be cyber bullying or otherwise.
It is easier when you are carefree.
It is also more fun when you are living on the beach.

You can go out to try to have fun, or you can just have fun in what you are doing. (As long as you are not doing stupid stuff or harming others).
People were happier then or lighter-listen to music from the '60's for example. There is a lot of fun stuff nowadays though. Maybe one just needs to dig a little deeper.
people are getting more fun now! More drugs/more sluts/more technology *Toys*

I think this is just a mixture of nostalgia and sweet memories of your younger days!
people were not only more fun in the past, they were more enjoyable to be around too. experiences were more exciting, the colors were brighter. drinks and food tasted better too. everything was "more" in the past. we live in lesser times but at least we are able to comprehend that, no simple feat with so much confusion abounding. :confused:
Nope, there were some boring fuckers in the past, there's some now! Whats vanishing are 'characters' to many people caring to much about what other people think, its makes for a sterile, dull society. Celebrities don't help, or the media that promotes the 'celebrity' image that we should all aspire to. The majority of them being a bunch of pointless, talentless, self gratifying morons! The 'fun' people I remember and know now, never give a fuck! :)


It's because we had to have an imagination back then. Nowadays everything is out there to grab, what, with all of the electronics, cable television, explicit genital expressionism and fast food.

..Truer words have never been spoken. :^)

Heck, when the Checked Star Members begin to appeal to the lowly studio apartment jack offs for for "fresh" material, the figurative pearly gates can't be too far away.:( :p ...........
Additionally, when you can get interracial bung hole, virtual or otherwise, guar-on-teed, at the flick of the switch, much less a toe out the door (for a song ), this should be a clear indication that we've been everywhere, man !

No scuze me whilst I take my prozac, :sing: doctor feel good :sing: :rolleyes:

Imagination, Information & Sensation Overload !
plato's retreat, studio 54. where are places like those nowdays?