The ironic thing about the decision to not go topless, is that they(Denise, Jordan, Wendy) always use the excuse of it being too classless to go topless, too slutty for them. But lets be real, and to you fans who argue that these women are classy women...NONE of us would want our daughters, growing up to be pinup models. Just like we don't want them to be porn stars, or strippers. Why is that? Simple. Because Wendy and models like her serve one purpose, and thats to make men masturbate. She can talk about class all she wants, but her whole career is about getting us to pay her to watch her tits and whack off. So she isn't really saving face at all by not showing her tits, or even just showing more skin, like see through shirts where we can see her nipples clearly. Because in the end, she is doing the same thing any porn stars does, she is selling her body for money.
Ill tell you guys the true reason she hasn't and maybe wont ever go topless, and the same with the other models like her. It's not about class, because like just pointed out, she whores her tits out for men to masturbate too, if she truly felt that showing her tits was classless, then she would have a respectable living(not to insult her lifestyle), because again I wouldn't want my daughter, or wife, or mother or sisters, showing their tits for people to lust too. It's not because she is too shy, because she obviously doesn't have a problem showing us her body to masturbate too. No the real reason is that she is smart, and probably married. Im willing to bet, like Denise, and most likely Jordan, she is a married women(women that hot don't stay single...ever), maybe even has kids, and her and significant other has realized that she can make good money, for doing a lot less work then a porn star. She has the big boobs and slim waste, but by not going topless she stands out because people want to see her, and by not going topless, it will tease, and create anticipation of if she will ever go topless. And all she has to do is pose in low cut shirts, bras, and bikinis, occasionally covering her boobs up with her hands. So if she can make good money by doing less, showing less, why would she do anything different? The only way to get these women to show the goods, is to not support their market. If their was no money is in pinup style modeling, no one would do it. So she will do what they all do, she will cash in while she is still hot on the market, and then disappear with the money she has made and pursue whatever else she does for a living.