This may indeed be a fan site but regarding wendy and her site not everything is fluffy ducks and rainbows. People do have legitimate complaints about her website, are you a member of her site and if so have you signed into it in the last year? A lot of the content is missing, chats rarely ever happen, but for some reason she keeps it online broken as it is. I dont see the problem with people posting factual opinions about how her site is in reality, just about everything that conveniently got deleted about her site was 100% accurate. Or are people only allowed to post positive things about her and her shambles of a website so more people can sign up for it to get burned?
There has to be some kind of middle ground where facts are allowed to be posted, maybe not the personal things like surnames that were posted. But when it comes to her website and general attitude,these aren't people jumping on the hate wendy bandwagon these are plain and simple facts. Her attitude about this on twitter is sad saying that she doesnt owe people anything when this isnt the case,but thats typical of her to bury her head in the sand and let her white knights come to her defense. This may be a 'fan' site and this may be a 'fan' thread but its hard to be a fan of her when she has screwed people over and denies it. Is she going to refund subscriptions costs considering she hasnt added any content in over a year? Is she going to refund payments made for skype sessions that never happened? or is she just going to stick her fingers in her ears and pretend she has done no wrong? I think the last option is the likely one.
You can ban me or do whatever you like,im simply stating some facts about her and her website that a lot of people can also tell you are accurate. I just hope this saves people money and stops them registering for a broken site with an owner that could care less about it.