She could do it, but then we remember she is just too greedy to give any reward... If some poor bastard helps her, the best the said individual can get is "Thanx so much for all this love and support, XOXO" , if he is lucky...
Well.... I guess I wouldn't rule out this possibility... I mean, I can already see through her online behavior that she is a stuck up, self entitled whining chick who thinks the world revolves around her and won't do anything to please anyone because mama and papa might have a little family talk with her on the sofa and all of that (yes, she admited that her parents complained to her about the pasties set just a few pages back, and she would never do something "that risky" again. So yeah..), just imagine how she must be in real life... I wouldn't be surprised if dudes just didn't want to be with her. The cost/benefit ratio would be just too small....
.... I seriously don't understand a lot of you. You call
her entitled? I genuinely don't understand your logic at all. You and quite a few of the people posting here have been absolutely mind-fucking me with the things you've been saying. You have the right to dislike the product she's making, particularily if you're paying for it, but you don't have the right to expect her to do exactly what you want just because you want it. I'm speaking logically here; Wendy is a glamour model, a non-nude glamour model to be precise, I would like to think that that's clear to everyone. She's in a business, I'd imagine, where the decisions she makes rely heavily on her self-image and comfort level, and as what's been said before, she's reminded us where she's at regarding her comfort level. And I honestly don't understand anybody who doesn't respect that.
So many of you are literally creeping me the fuck out with the things you're saying. I can only imagine how she feels. Like I said, you have every right to dislike the product she's making, if it's not erotic or sexual enough for you than that's a perfectly logical complaint for a customer of a glamour model to have, considering her product deals in sexuality. My problem is that so many of you, and I'm stealing your word here jamks, are feeling entitled to what she does with no regard at all for her said comfort level. IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT SHE'S SELLING CURRENTLY, THEN STOP BUYING IT. Someone is comparing a high school baseball team doing car washes in hopes to getting money for uniforms to Wendy showing her nipples to get her viewers to help her fund a legal battle. This just blows my mind. Either give her money if you want to support whatever cause she's after, or don't. I don't know if it's because you're all so fucking horny that it's jeopardizing your ability to reason or what but the concept that she's asking for help not as a whore who'll magically become comfortable with showing you her nipples if you help her cat, but as a person, seems to elude you. People ask for money for all sorts of things all the time, you have the ability to not give it to them if you wish.
"just imagine how she must be in real life... I wouldn't be surprised if dudes just didn't want to be with her. The cost/benefit ratio would be just too small....", What the fuck is wrong with you? By your logic (lack there of), models who show no skin at all are asexual and there's no reward for their significant others at all. I don't even know what to say. You honestly think that because she's not getting naked for her members because she's not comfortable with it, and because that
obviously makes her stuck up, that she's equally uncomfortable in her real life relationships? What.
And before said horny creeps call me a white knight, know this, I too have become less interested in what Wendy has offered lately, so I've moved on. And I haven't contributed to either of her donations because I don't feel strongly enough about either, and yet, magically, I'm aware enough to know that if I had, donations to Wendy Fiore the person with real life issues won't inspire her to do more to help me masturbate as a glamour model. Wow that was hard.
"Well, I don't know about you, but my greatest disappointment is with her members (aka losers). You see, it goes just like you said... for years Wendy has done pictorials and videos where she doesn't have to do anything, really, anything. She never ever went out of her "comfort zone" (WOOW, showing nipples, how terrible and uncomfortable would that be, huh?) because she knew her beta white knights would be there to praise her and throw money at her simply because "she is so gorgeous and she is so generous to even show herself and we mortals should be grateful she has come THIS FAR" and all that bullshit. So it doesn't matter how crappy her pictures of her eating a crab while wearing a scarf are, her betas will be there worshiping her. If she gets so much while giving nothing in return, of course she will start asking for more to see if they are willing to pay for stuff like Kitty's treatment or this new lawsuit thing.. And guess what? It works. They will give her even more money because they got some mad idea that she is their girlfriend or something... they could say no for once, but hey, if they pay $25 a month to see a chick in her clothes, they have to lack this ability... "
You're fucking creepy as hell, I can't believe you called her entitled, you don't know what that word means. I don't mean to single you out because there's a lot of people who seem to agree with you but wow. Go see a prostitute, who I guarantee will offer more for you when you offer more for them. Wendy is asking for these things as a person. But because she's a model you seem to think that saying, "Ok, but only if you show us your nipples!" is acceptable and not insane.
I agree that it's actually kind of sad if people are willing to cough up money PURELY because she's attractive. It's like if an attractive and promiscuous woman walked into a bar and tried to get free shit, and she'd absolutely get it and quite possibly offer nothing in return. I'd feel pretty stupid if I found myself jumping through hoops in a situtation like that. So it's not as though I can't see your point. But the hard reality is that she doesn't have to offer anything in return, if you feel she does, than that would make her a prositute as I alluded to earlier. In this case, it just makes anyone who gives something to help her in her personal life and expects something sexual in return, stupid.