Who are the people in the pic?
Girl sucking a dick? I've been waiting for this!
Trust me, its not that good.
Im still wondering why we were meant to care in the first place.
Let me know if you want more... I haven't gotten many responses, must not be that good! :crying:
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haha okwell we are on a porn thread hell yeah i want to see more
What is that in her mouth?
I'm thinking some serious herpes. :eeew:
Hmmm . . . are you sure? Herpes tends to be a little more inflamed than that. Trust me, I know . . . I still have some of the cream left over. My first thought was that she must have had a bad case isolated acne that was never medically treated (for whatever reason), but then upon further inspection I found that it was connected to some other unfortunate individual. Now I'm thinking it's probably just a birth defect that the doctors didn't lop off when they had the chance.
Must be some odd new fetish they're practising. I mean yeah, putting odd growths in your mouth is fun for a while but you have to be professional about it.