Weirdest thing you did...

...while masturbating ?

I onced masturbate in the bathtub while breaking 5 or 6 eggs on me...
hollow out a cucumber and put it in the microwave...pretty fuckin realistic feeling
haha...ya i know....what a freak....what a perv....


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
This one time, while I was masturbating, I performed an emergency C-Section on a 19 year old Lithuanian girl who was pregnant with quadruplets. Was it messy? Yes. Was it horrific looking? Yes. Was it the best stroke session I've ever heard? YES.

There is nothing sexier than looking inside of a stomach that is full of underdeveloped infants while you jerk your cock around, you know? Yeeeeeah, you know.
....handed down a 6 month prison term for indecent exposure.

The irony made me blow my load


Land Of The Snakes
a photographer friend of mine strung this girl up from the ceiling, opened her vagina with a speculum, poured water in, dropped in a goldfish and a small light, and took pictures.
his name was Thomas Landon and he rocks!

we need pics to confirm sasha?