weird noeebie question to pornstars1

i show yesterday a photo shoot of carmen luvana with two men with hige cocks and i was wondering before they shoot something like that do they know how big the penis is before or its something like suprise?
and i find it incredible difficult or sometimes painfull something like that .
whats your opinion or better whats carmens opinion?:)

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Most likely if you have been in the biz for a while and they tell you ,you are working with so and so, you kind of already know who it is, but if you are new, most likely you still havent met and heard about performers in the biz, you can be a little suprise, that photo shoot was my third scean, i had no idea he was so big, that was the funny thing about that film if you watch the ctuall video, when he took out his cock, i just stared and started laughfin, cous i could not believe it.

That was because i was new, but at lease if you have been a month or two in the biz, you already know about all the performers in the biz or you have people that you could ask about it.

When i did that scean i had only been a week in L.A and knew nobody, it wasent bad i was just suprised cous i had never seen something so big in to then.

Hope that helped.

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I am actually having him " Mandingo" as a guest in my next ksex show July 7th at 5:00p.m P.T remember you can call in 1-800-ksexrad and talk to me and you can also log in to and log in and listen and chat for free.
I thought the entire “painful” thing was just for show, considering being boned by hundreds of guys the consensus would be that a person would be pretty loose.


Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I have never been in pain in a scean and i never will, thats why alot of people tell me do do a hole lot of stuff, but i think that in to i am confterball with it and like it i wont, that scean was fun i am HOPING i get to work with him again.
I am now comfterbal with anal and i am enjoying it in my personal life and that is why i am consider doing in on film now, and also thats the reason why i had not done it, because i was still not compterball with it, but i have been getting alot of training lately >LOL so you can look foward to at lease that soon, coming to find out it makes me cum alot quicker and harder!!! but i am not 100% comfterball with it, some times is still unconfterball, when i am extreamly horny then it is no problom, but if not i complain and dont like it :( , no matter how much they offer me i would never do anything i am not comfterball with, alot of girl do and i totally do not agree with that, hey if you like anals and DP "God bless you" as long as you enjoy it i give you hands up. But some girls do a hole lot just for the money and once again i do not agree.

So that lets you know when you start seeing me do difrent stuff is because i am LOVING it.
thanks for answering it was a question that i always wanted to ask:)
no i havent seen the video only some photos :(
The other big thing is taking a blowjob with such a monster cock
i have watched a video with suzanna samson (i am not sure for the name ) and in the video it was a lesson how to deep throat very intersting and usefull:)but on such cocks i think its impossible or?
and my girlfriend also cums harder and wuicker with anal its just fantastic:)my favorite its something like conquering a woman (okay i know tis not right but i feel so:)
hmmm i have also a request can you all terri,bobbie,carmen (in random order ) post a pic of you in real life no make up or sexy clothes? my opinion is that this isalso sexy and sometimes simplier is sexier :)im an sure you all look gorgeous in normal clothes too

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Here is a pic of me in my house with my dog.


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i was sure you looked awesome with out aan y fancy clothes:)
terri terri please post at least one and you bobbi when you go online:)
Hey Carmen do u have a pic with a Puerto Rican Flag or something so I can have as a wall paper for my computor :)

Terri Summers

Official Checked Star Member
and one with one of my cats... !!

oh and to your question, well it can be a surprise sometimes, especially now i work here in europe, i dont know a lot of the actors, but i have been lucky it has always been pleasant surprises! And when i first came to the US it was all surprise also!!
But lately like carmen said, you always know someone that knows someone, but then i sometimes really forget to ask who i work with, so for me is usually surprise!haha


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and another question (i know i ask too much) what was the weirdest and the most not so good moment in your carieer till now?
very nice pictures terri (just like an ordinary beautifull next-door girl)
i think noone can ever imagine if he sees you on this photos that you are Terri Summers:)
i think a woman is simply wunderfull without any make up and these photos prove it. thanks for your response and keep going with the nice photoshoots you make.
keep it up carmen and terri! :D:nanner: :hatsoff: :bowdown: