"We Have Defeated ISIS in Syria"

Fox News Correspondent Jennifer Griffin: Senior Foreign Diplomat Says ISIS Attack ‘Direct Result’ of Trump’s Syria Announcement

Donald Trump is taking heavy criticism after a suicide bombing in Syria that claimed the lives of 4 Americans, including two U.S. servicemembers, and according to Fox News, at least one senior foreign diplomat is directly blaming Trump for the attack that ISIS has claimed responsibility for.

On Wednesday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared to place some blame for the attack on Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria, saying the decision “set in motion enthusiasm by the enemy.”

But on Wednesday afternoon, Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin reported that one source had gone even further than Graham in blaming Trump, and that U.S. allies are “up in arms” over the attack.

On Shepard Smith Reporting, Griffin confirmed to anchor Shepard Smith that in addition to the four Americans who were killed, three other Americans were injured in the attack.

“U.S. allies remain up in arms about the U.S. announcing it is pulling out of Syria,” Griffin said, adding “A senior foreign diplomat tells Fox News ‘This attack today is a direct result of the announcement made by President Trump that U.S. forces are pulling out. These troops had a bullseye on them when the president telegraphed that he was ordering a pullout’.”

Griffin then played Graham’s remarks, and noted that “The Pentagon was worried that the troops would be a target following the surprise announcement in December.”

She then played tape of Vice President Mike Pence’s speech following the attack, in which he declared that “ISIS has been defeated.”

“Many allies are calling his remarks today tone deaf,” Griffin said, adding that “ISIS has already claimed responsibility for today’s suicide attack, a reminder that the group is not defeated.”

It has been nearly a month since Trump made the announcement of the Syria withdrawal, which has been heavily criticized even on Trump’s favorite Fox News show.

Probably his biggest lie so far


Hiliary 2020
Fox News Correspondent Jennifer Griffin: Senior Foreign Diplomat Says ISIS Attack ‘Direct Result’ of Trump’s Syria Announcement

Ya know its a funny funny thing. The timing of ISIS as always. Like fucking clockwork each time.
Ya know if I didn't know any better I'd say ISIS is working for the US.
But I do know better ISIS is an army of 100's of thousands of bearded Muslims who HATE US FOR OUR FREEDOM.
Right? That's still the official story correct?
And we're still stupid enough to believe that yes?

Yes sir ree bob. An Army of 100's of thousands of men with beards located somewhere in the middle East known to hang around areas such as Syria, Iraq, Libya.........we just can't ever seem to find them.
Yep, The USA who spends (and remember every penny spent is a penny in someone elses pocket) TRILLIONS of borrowed dollars from the ZIO Banks every year on NATIONAL SECURITY just cant seem to locate that army of 100's of thousands of men and tons of weapons and vehicles located somewhere on a desert.
They just can't do it.

Just like they can't figure out who is financing this massive army of bearded mooslums who hates us for our freedom.
They know every penny every single one of us spends and can trace it no problem but they can't seem to find out where the billions and billions of dollars which finances THE TERRORISTS comes from.
They spend trillions a year on this stuff by they still can't figure it out.
It's just beyond their pay scale.
If you go buy a Snickers bar right now the government knows about it and taxes it. But they just can't get a handle on where ISIS gets all that money to pay all those men a buy all those weapons and vehicles.

Davenport, Shooter, Anybody else?
Can I ask? Does any of that make any fucking sense to you?
Because that is the reality we are told is real.

1- War is a business. Businesses exist for one reason: To make money.
2- Everything they tell you is a lie. Everything. Its all scripted, planned and it all has a purpose.
3- Every time. Every single fucking time there is talk of stopping the US and Israel's illegal invasion of Syria low and fucking behold a week later there is an ISIS TERRORIST ATTACK.
4- This is part of the show. They announce they are leaving>people say "good, its about time">then there is an ISIS attack>Then they tell us "Oops!. Looks like we can't leave now">And the war business continues to profit.

And people are still too stupid to figure this out. A cycle that has been continuing for years and they still can't see it.
Why? because they have been conditioned to have no ability whatsoever to think for themselves.
The whole thing is so blatantly obvious but most still have no clue.

ISIS, Al-Quaeada ect ect is a boogeyman created to be used as an excuse for the war and security business to keep profiting. And the banks who loan the money for this to keep getting richer.
You will always have a person willing to strap a bomb vest on and detonate it in a crowd regardless if ISIS is defeated or not. But the fact is, they no longer hold any significant territory and aren't holding entire towns and cities hostage while committing mass murder and rape.


Hiliary 2020
You will always have a person willing to strap a bomb vest on and detonate it in a crowd regardless if ISIS is defeated or not. But the fact is, they no longer hold any significant territory and aren't holding entire towns and cities hostage while committing mass murder and rape.

Oh really? They no longer hold towns and cities hostage while committing mass murder and rape?
How do you know this?

But you do admit at least at one point they did yes?
Like most of Libya right? The US carpet bombed Libya for 6 months and the day the bombs stopped the bearded mercenaries rolled right in and went on a killing and raping spree. Funny how they knew the US stopped bombing that day.
Funny, not only did the US create this situation but they knew exactly where their sworn enemy (The ones who did 9/11) Al-Queauaeda was..........killing and raping in Tripoli and Benghazi.
Yet they didn't lift a finger to stop them. The supposed greatest military in the world had their enemy, the ones who did 9/11 all consolidated in one area and they did nothing.
Same thing happened in Iraq.

Does anybody ever question why?
There is only one answer.


Hiliary 2020
Also, beings that they are pulling out the fake boogeyman again, don't be surprised if something big happens very soon.
White guy MASS SHOOTINGS just aren't cutting it anymore. They need a good old fashioned TERRORIST ATTACK to scare us into submission again.