Watergate 2.0 in Progress

Yeah, that's unbecoming the President of the United States. Like using a 20 year old intern's vagina as a cigar holder in the oval office. Then lying under oath.
Yeah, that's unbecoming the President of the United States. Like using a 20 year old intern's vagina as a cigar holder in the oval office. Then lying under oath.

They're both unbecoming of the president.
So was Trump's tweet to Comey.
They've both earned my disrespect for the way they treat women. Let's not forget Trump is a guy who's been accused by no less that 15 women of sexual assault or harassment, and who also crowed about his personal Viet Nam consisting of banging coeds while dodging STDs.
I was a huge Clinton fan until he lied to us all about the Lewinsky affair, at which point I felt the only respectable thing to do was resign. Many people on both sides of the aisle told me that was a naive opinion on my part :dunno:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Yeah, that's unbecoming the President of the United States. Like using a 20 year old intern's vagina as a cigar holder in the oval office. Then lying under oath.

Or being interviewed by youtube "stars" instead of accredited members of the press. Or hiring an entire administrative staff full of commies and pushing bullshit social justice narratives and undermining law enforcement.
Or being interviewed by youtube "stars" instead of accredited members of the press. Or hiring an entire administrative staff full of commies and pushing bullshit social justice narratives and undermining law enforcement.

Being interviewed by today's YouTube stars is "modern day presidential"


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Ah, the fire can't stop spreading. Looks like EVERYBODY had to meet with russian operatives.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I love how these idiots use "collusion" instead of "conspiracy" because they ain't got shit.
President Obama knew that Russia was meddling in our elections but did nothing and said nothing about it. He did assure us that our elections could not be compromised "even if someone tried"

That all changed when Trump won of course.
President Obama knew that Russia was meddling in our elections but did nothing and said nothing about it. He did assure us that our elections could not be compromised "even if someone tried"

That all changed when Trump won of course.

Yep. Not a damn word about Russian meddling because they were not going to let it taint Hillary's election because it was in the bag.

Had she won, cucks like Richard Burr would not be holding investigations into Russian meddling.

She would have handed down word that "those motherfuckers are not going to delegitimize me and give Putin the credit!"

I said "Hillary" and "taint" in the same sentence. Ewww.
President Obama knew that Russia was meddling in our elections but did nothing and said nothing about it.

That's not true at all :dunno:

He did assure us that our elections could not be compromised "even if someone tried"

With respect, I think you'll find he was talking about voter fraud - the hands on manipulation of ballots or voting machines on any kind of broad spectrum. That sort of thing.
That's not true at all :dunno:

To expand some on this:

As early as September 5th the administration began issuing a series of warnings to Russia and Putin, including a personal one from Obama to Putin. But at that point a full consensus hadn't been reached by our intel agencies and the admin didn't want to appear to be playing politics. So it wasn't until October 7th that Clapper and Johnson first went public, issuing a joint statement "formally blaming Moscow for attempting to interfere in the election, including by hacking the computers of political organizations." On October 31 a final pre-election warning was sent to the Kremlin which was ignored until after the election, then denied. It wasn't until December that the FBI, who's investigative standards differ in some ways from the CIA's, jumped onboard to present a completely unified big 4 intel agencies confirmation. After that the sanctions were levied.

With respect, I think you'll find he was talking about fraud - the hands on manipulation of ballots or voting machines on any kind of broad spectrum. That sort of thing.

In response as I recall to Trump's frequent lamentation that the election was going to be "rigged" against him.
To expand some on this:

As early as September 5th the administration began issuing a series of warnings to Russia and Putin, including a personal one from Obama to Putin. But at that point a full consensus hadn't been reached by our intel agencies and the admin didn't want to appear to be playing politics. So it wasn't until October 7th that Clapper and Johnson first went public, issuing a joint statement "formally blaming Moscow for attempting to interfere in the election, including by hacking the computers of political organizations." On October 31 a final pre-election warning was sent to the Kremlin which was ignored until after the election, then denied. It wasn't until December that the FBI, who's investigative standards differ in some ways from the CIA's, jumped onboard to present a completely unified big 4 intel agencies confirmation. After that the sanctions were levied.

thanks for the correction. I guess the criticism is that Obama didn't speak out or do more. And when the Administration did issue a statement wasn't it on the same day the infamous "grab them by the pussy" tape came out so of course was avalanched?
I hate to burst bubbles here, but this is NOTHING like Watergate. Watergate, while criminal, was not traitorous. Watergate was the result of an insecure politician, who didn't have the sense to just admit the truth right after the break-in was exposed. While it is serious that an American president set the Justice Dept., FBI, CIA and Executive Branch into motion to cover up a rather minor crime, Nixon did not involve a hostile foreign government. This is completely different. This is an American presidential candidate, soliciting information from a hostile foreign government, with the intent to influence and alter an American election. The trumpkins defense of, "There's no evidence," is as laughable as it is stupid. Donnie, Jr. not only took the meeting, he sent e mails stating emphatically that he "LOVED" the idea of using Russian officials to affect and influence the election. Manifort, Sessions, and a slew of other officials have admitted to meetings with Russian officials during the campaign. AND THEN THEY LIED ABOUT HAVING THESE MEETINGS. And here's your most damning piece of evidence: At last year's Republican National Convention, Trump's people were completely disinterested in the party platform, EXCEPT for two provisions: 1. Was to soften our stance on sanctions against Russia, and 2. Was to soften the language referring to a US response should Russia invade Ukraine. And then on his first visit overseas, Trump sets about to demolish NATO, thus weakening an EU threat should Putin start annexing independent republics. Trump is a traitor. Don't attach the word, "gate" to this. "Gate" implies a scandal. This is not scandal. IT IS TREASON. Involving yourself with officials of a hostile nation to affect and influence an American election is indeed against MANY laws. Twist yourself into pretzels as much as you wish to defend it, but the bottom line is what it is. He is a traitor.
Bad people furnish information in criminal cases all of the time and their information is used to win convictions.

Alan Dershowitz says ritingfunny@yoohaw.com is an unhinged little snowflake.

You know who colluded? The DNC.

The Steele dossier was obtained from the Kremlin to influence an election.

There's your treason.

Something else. It is looking like the meeting set up on bogus pretenses was used as grounds for a FISA warrant and was manufactured.

Hold on triggly, it's going to be a long ride and the people going to jail won't be named Trump.