Andrew McCabe’s Defense Of The FBI And Steele Dossier Crumble Under Weight Of IG Report
Andrew McCabe’s Defense Of The FBI And Steele Dossier Crumble Under Weight Of IG Report
Simply not true.
M’kayYou will always pass an Obama minion even if he is highly biased ,antitrump, incompetent as well as a corrupt sell out for an angel, we knew that already.
Will next month Senate hearing take place or will it be held off until 2020 elections and moved to 2021? Dems already lpst followerers over this bullshit.
I can find five other videos showing my side of it... none of which involve a late night talk show host.
Especially if it comes to that cunt Trevor Noah amd his bullshit.
So far nothing is done. It is all a scheme and bullshit game. And hoping the general.masses forget about it two weeks later after Holidays are all said and done.
You sound like Louie Gohmert or Nunes.
Trump's whole life is full of crme and corruption, remember his bullshit Trump University, him and his family abusing the money collected with that fake charity foundation, etc.
It amazes me that you and others still find it possibly to defend him.
Well, his hope, as I said, is that the Republican party has almost zero representatives left in House and Senate, that takes his oath of office serious.
I find it funny how the Right tries to pin so much wrong doing on Hillary but when they investigate, and they have extensively, they find nothing.
But when the grease spot Donald is investigated it is found that he is guilty of everything and then some.
Facts are facts people you cannot let the spin machine make up your mind.
Oh yeah I almost forgot.....
Mitch McConnell is one goofy looking POS.
I can find five other videos showing my side of it...
You sound like Louie Gohmert or Nunes.
Trump's whole life is full of crme and corruption, remember his bullshit Trump University, him and his family abusing the money collected with that fake charity foundation, etc.
It amazes me that you and others still find it possibly to defend him.
Well, his hope, as I said, is that the Republican party has almost zero representatives left in House and Senate, that takes his oath of office serious.
You defend the democrap party which is a party full of leftist cheapshots, scumbags and liars who are all former Obama muppets like Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Maxine Waters, Blumenthal, Dick the Douchebag Durbin, Diane Feinstein and many other low lives leftist unpatriotic dolts who are flourishing among the do nothing democrap party. Nothing positive aside obstructionnism, favoring criminals, illegals and unwilling to work parasites comes from the democraps What kind of crime Trump has committed? Unlike the Clintons who are a scummy and criminal family with many mysterious and unexplained deaths linked to them, Trump has absolutely nothing to reproach himself.
I think you don't understand our point. Did and does the Democratic party bend and break rules, too? Of course they do.
But they don't have the presidency right now, they don't constantly endanger not only your own country's safety and principles, but the whole damn world's, as well
And the Trump level of corruption and criminal conduct had long since broken any scale.
Your whataboutism is so dumb, it amazes me you still try it.