Oh please. You call it Fast and Furious, I call it Smoke and Mirrors. As with Benghazi, as with emails and/or IRS, wishing something is there doesn't make something be there.
If you want to claim that something "got in the way" of Obama/Hillary etc. being prosecuted, fine we'll agree with you, but now you have to meet us halfway. What "got in the way" was the most incompetent version of the Republican Party that has ever existed. Quit blaming the defense when the prosecution has no clue, no plan, no intellect and no desire. You're a so-called lawyer and this has to be explained to you? "Your Honor, I'd like to request a postponement so I can take the Prosecutor to Starbucks and explain to him how his utterly pathetic attempts to accomplish nothing at all are accomplishing nothing at all. I'll walk him through all the evidence AGAIN and show him where he's turning his own efforts into a monumental clusterfuck. I think this would be beneficial since he seems to be woefully inadequate at doing any of it himself."
Not one indictment. Not one. And it's all the accused fault. Fucking hysterical.
I was going to end it there but seriously: Chris Matthews ?!? Where the hell did Chris Matthews come from and what (I'm almost afraid to ask) out-in-left-field point do you think you're making by bringing him into this? Fine! I'll see your Chris Matthews and raise you Lou Dobbs. That's right. You didn't think I'd go there, but I did. Lou MotherFuckin' Dobbs. Blad-dow! whaddyagotnow?whaddyagotnow?whaddyagotnow? Nuthin'. Didn't think so.
Don't mess with me BC. Now that I've played my Lou Dobbs card, I'll do it again. :nono:
If you want to claim that something "got in the way" of Obama/Hillary etc. being prosecuted, fine we'll agree with you, but now you have to meet us halfway. What "got in the way" was the most incompetent version of the Republican Party that has ever existed. Quit blaming the defense when the prosecution has no clue, no plan, no intellect and no desire. You're a so-called lawyer and this has to be explained to you? "Your Honor, I'd like to request a postponement so I can take the Prosecutor to Starbucks and explain to him how his utterly pathetic attempts to accomplish nothing at all are accomplishing nothing at all. I'll walk him through all the evidence AGAIN and show him where he's turning his own efforts into a monumental clusterfuck. I think this would be beneficial since he seems to be woefully inadequate at doing any of it himself."
Not one indictment. Not one. And it's all the accused fault. Fucking hysterical.
I was going to end it there but seriously: Chris Matthews ?!? Where the hell did Chris Matthews come from and what (I'm almost afraid to ask) out-in-left-field point do you think you're making by bringing him into this? Fine! I'll see your Chris Matthews and raise you Lou Dobbs. That's right. You didn't think I'd go there, but I did. Lou MotherFuckin' Dobbs. Blad-dow! whaddyagotnow?whaddyagotnow?whaddyagotnow? Nuthin'. Didn't think so.
Don't mess with me BC. Now that I've played my Lou Dobbs card, I'll do it again. :nono: