Watergate 2.0 in Progress


Oh please. You call it Fast and Furious, I call it Smoke and Mirrors. As with Benghazi, as with emails and/or IRS, wishing something is there doesn't make something be there.

If you want to claim that something "got in the way" of Obama/Hillary etc. being prosecuted, fine we'll agree with you, but now you have to meet us halfway. What "got in the way" was the most incompetent version of the Republican Party that has ever existed. Quit blaming the defense when the prosecution has no clue, no plan, no intellect and no desire. You're a so-called lawyer and this has to be explained to you? "Your Honor, I'd like to request a postponement so I can take the Prosecutor to Starbucks and explain to him how his utterly pathetic attempts to accomplish nothing at all are accomplishing nothing at all. I'll walk him through all the evidence AGAIN and show him where he's turning his own efforts into a monumental clusterfuck. I think this would be beneficial since he seems to be woefully inadequate at doing any of it himself."

Not one indictment. Not one. And it's all the accused fault. Fucking hysterical.

I was going to end it there but seriously: Chris Matthews ?!? Where the hell did Chris Matthews come from and what (I'm almost afraid to ask) out-in-left-field point do you think you're making by bringing him into this? Fine! I'll see your Chris Matthews and raise you Lou Dobbs. That's right. You didn't think I'd go there, but I did. Lou MotherFuckin' Dobbs. Blad-dow! whaddyagotnow?whaddyagotnow?whaddyagotnow? Nuthin'. Didn't think so.

Don't mess with me BC. Now that I've played my Lou Dobbs card, I'll do it again. :nono:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi. More like shit doughnut. Trey Gowdy should be prosecuted for abuse of power, poor guy had to say, "we got nothing", knowing it the whole time, how humiliating. Yeah, if you supported that Benghazi witch hunt you don't get to say jack shit about a real and actual investigation that's going to result in indictments and prosecutions.


Was King of the Board for a Day
*ahem* *tap* *tap* is this thing on?

If we can take a break from this liberal lemon party circle jerk for just a moment. Part of what determines what scandals have legs is a media that is willing to participate and investigate. There were plenty of god damn scandals during Obama's reign, the biggest of which was Hillary Clinton's email server and Fast and Furious. Neil tap dancing DeGrasse Tyson! Chris Matthews declared on election night 2008 that he "was going to do everything he could to help this new administration". If ever there should have been a special counsel appointed it should have happened for the two aforementioned scandals. Fortunately for Obama he had a loyal DOJ playing defense for him and a Praetorian Guard media willing to divert, distract and mislead at every turn

Holy fuck what a bunch of delusional sycophants.

Quoting a far from impartial source doesn't really give credence to your argument.

That aside, if you're going to point out any instances of not being straightforward and upfront either in government or in the courtroom with Obama, there's no reasonable way you can ignore those same instances recurring with Trump. I can't make any claims as to what the media's stance might have been during that time, but given that enough people can name those scandals it seems that they were at least given their fair share of air time; air time alone doesn't make a case though, so if the verdicts didn't turn out how you would've liked you can't say that it's because MSNBC was unwilling to broadcast the trial updates or the Washington Post's front page consisted entirely of news about cherry blossoms that week.

As for delusional sycophants, I don't think anyone here will say that Obama's tenure was all roses or that he was infallible as a President. He had his stumbles, he had his scandals, and he had fallout each time (if not from both parties at least the one opposing him). No one here (that I've seen) or anyone that's part of Trump's constituency has admitted he's failed in most to anything he's promised; they brush off any notion that he hasn't lived up to what he said he would accomplish by holding others responsible for his shortcomings. He can do no wrong, it's others who hold him back. No one who still ardently follows him will give any thought as to whether something he's said may not be exactly be truthful or doable, but become enraged when Surprise! it can't be or isn't done and point fingers at anybody who opposes him.

If anybody could admit that he (Trump) is human, and that he's made mistakes or not lived up to what he's promised (and there's been a LOT), it would be different. But so many of you are willing to look as he's protesting that Democrats or Republicans (depending on the day/week) are keeping him from doing anything and overlook the fact that he's unqualified, unwilling to work within the confines of government, and doesn't care about anything unless it can be summed up in 140 characters or less. That's the true meaning of sycophant.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Quoting a far from impartial source doesn't really give credence to your argument.
Well, it's not really the impartiality, it's that the article wasn't saying much, other than complaining that none of the things conservatives wanted to stick to Obama stuck. And as you mention, you can tell how contrived many of them were by Trump's doing similar or worse with only crickets from the same corners.

The sub-headline of that article is absolutely correct, though:
It’s not that [Obama] did no wrong. It’s that conditions weren’t right for the public to care.

The thing is, his real wrongdoing is exactly what any Republican president would do and has done. What neither Fox nor MSNBC will highlight much.

If anybody could admit that he (Trump) is human, and that he's made mistakes or not lived up to what he's promised (and there's been a LOT), it would be different. But so many of you are willing to look as he's protesting that Democrats or Republicans (depending on the day/week) are keeping him from doing anything and overlook the fact that he's unqualified, unwilling to work within the confines of government, and doesn't care about anything unless it can be summed up in 140 characters or less. That's the true meaning of sycophant.
Holy fuck what a bunch of delusional sycophants.
BC really did hit the nail on describing those that still support Donald Trump.

Does that also describe some Obama supporters? Sure. I'm sure you can find some who fit that description for every single public figure. Difference being, I don't have to argue with Obama sycophants anymore, he isn't the president. Trump sycophants are the here and now.
Oh please. You call it Fast and Furious, I call it Smoke and Mirrors. As with Benghazi, as with emails and/or IRS, wishing something is there doesn't make something be there.

If you want to claim that something "got in the way" of Obama/Hillary etc. being prosecuted, fine we'll agree with you, but now you have to meet us halfway. What "got in the way" was the most incompetent version of the Republican Party that has ever existed. Quit blaming the defense when the prosecution has no clue, no plan, no intellect and no desire. You're a so-called lawyer and this has to be explained to you? "Your Honor, I'd like to request a postponement so I can take the Prosecutor to Starbucks and explain to him how his utterly pathetic attempts to accomplish nothing at all are accomplishing nothing at all. I'll walk him through all the evidence AGAIN and show him where he's turning his own efforts into a monumental clusterfuck. I think this would be beneficial since he seems to be woefully inadequate at doing any of it himself."

Not one indictment. Not one. And it's all the accused fault. Fucking hysterical.

I was going to end it there but seriously: Chris Matthews ?!? Where the hell did Chris Matthews come from and what (I'm almost afraid to ask) out-in-left-field point do you think you're making by bringing him into this? Fine! I'll see your Chris Matthews and raise you Lou Dobbs. That's right. You didn't think I'd go there, but I did. Lou MotherFuckin' Dobbs. Blad-dow! whaddyagotnow?whaddyagotnow?whaddyagotnow? Nuthin'. Didn't think so.

Don't mess with me BC. Now that I've played my Lou Dobbs card, I'll do it again. :nono:

Yeah, why don't you explain rules of evidence to me, Audie Murphy.

Between your willingness to "humor" other posters and your directive to not "mess with me" as well as your legal expertise, ( I take it you are also a veteran of the Army JAG Corps) I don't know whether to be extremely impressed or laugh until tears come out of my eyes.

I think I'll choose the latter.

Dat DD-214 tho.


Well, yeehaw. Once again you reply while saying nothing at all. Because there's nothing...excuse me, nuthin' to say.

Directive? What directive? It's Thursday. You don't have coming off the weekend as an excuse to be incoherent.

Anything that results in tears, I'm OK with.

And you keep bringing up my DD-214. The one you don't have. Keep bringing it up. It seems to irk you. I want you irked. Well, I actually want you to keep reflecting on what an insect you are, but I'll settle for irked.
Well, yeehaw. Once again you reply while saying nothing at all. Because there's nothing...excuse me, nuthin' to say.

Directive? What directive? It's Thursday. You don't have coming off the weekend as an excuse to be incoherent.

Anything that results in tears, I'm OK with.

And you keep bringing up my DD-214. The one you don't have. Keep bringing it up. It seems to irk you. I want you irked. Well, I actually want you to keep reflecting on what an insect you are, but I'll settle for irked.

It's called sarcasm genius. Tell me about the quantum of evidence again? "My DD-214" :rofl2:




So once again we have a thread going and here you come, ignoring the topic to be your usual, unpleasant hillbilly self.

Do you have anything to say relevant to the thread?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
So once again we have a thread going and here you come, ignoring the topic to be your usual, unpleasant hillbilly self.

Do you have anything to say relevant to the thread?

You know this is a rethoric question.

Either engage in trollspeak, or just look at those posts like you look at that racoon that is messing around in your garage.
So once again we have a thread going and here you come, ignoring the topic to be your usual, unpleasant hillbilly self.

Do you have anything to say relevant to the thread?

I had plenty to say on this thread while you were hiding from me and sucking your thumb over the election results.

Even a hillbilly recognizes a fraud when they see one,


update: watergrate 2.0 is still in progress

I had plenty to say on this thread while you were hiding from me and sucking your thumb over the election results.

Even a hillbilly recognizes a fraud when they see one,



is mayfair a fucking fraud?

because that would really be pathetic on his part.
So once again we have a thread going and here you come, ignoring the topic to be your usual, unpleasant hillbilly self.

Do you have anything to say relevant to the thread?

Hahaha, based on my own experience, I was going to tell you that he'll do this, then decide that he's "schooled you" enough and bail without saying anything to address the actual topic, and that more than likely his lap fox would pop up to contribute something equally inane, but the lap fox beat me to it.
Props to my bruderlein ze fly for starting this thread. Watergate 2.0 indeed.
Just ask Hillary, Debbie and the DNC as well as Fusion GPS..


Assange confirms WikiLeaks was approached by Trump-linked data firm


The editor of Wikileaks confirmed the group was approached by a data firm working for Donald Trump's presidential campaign during the 2016 election.

Julian Assange says on Twitter that Cambridge Analytica reached out to his group prior to last November, but WikiLeaks rejected the company's "approach." Assange didn't specify the content of that approach.

He issued the tweet after news website The Daily Beast reported that Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix reached out to Assange during the presidential campaign about the possible release of 33,000 of Hillary Clinton's missing emails. Those emails have never been publicly released.

Cambridge Analytica, which uses data mining to microtarget ads based on personality, claimed after the election that it had played a key role in Mr. Trump's victory. The company was hired by Mr. Trump's digital director Brad Parscale, although he told "60 Minutes" last month that he doesn't believe their methods were so essential. According to Open Secrets, the Trump campaign paid Cambridge Analytica $5.9 million during the campaign.

Michael S. Glassner, executive director of the Trump campaign, issued a statement Wednesday that did not directly reference Assange or The Daily Beast report but said that the campaign had partnered with the Republican National Committee for voter data.

"Any claims that voter data from any other source played a key role in the victory are false," the statement said.

The House Intelligence Committee interviewed Parscale on Tuesday.

The Trump campaign has long denied any connection with WikiLeaks, although Mr. Trump praised the entity during the campaign and even said he "loved" WikiLeaks.

Robert Mercer, a billionaire Trump supporter, is a backer of Cambridge Analytica. Former White House strategist Steve Bannon served as a vice president at the company before joining the administration.

This is the BIGGEST STORY in the History of the World! Holy shit! This, right here, will make the seas boil and the air ignite. What a shitstorm! I predict no survivors.

Man, I can't wait to spend my tax money on these hearings!!!


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Assange confirms WikiLeaks was approached by Trump-linked data firm


This is the BIGGEST STORY in the History of the World! Holy shit! This, right here, will make the seas boil and the air ignite. What a shitstorm! I predict no survivors.

Man, I can't wait to spend my tax money on these hearings!!!

Mueller's investigation isn't going to end well for Trump. Devin Nunes knows it, Chuck Grassley knows it, anyone that's not a fucking moron knows it. I can't wait for the indictments and convictions to commence.
Mueller's investigation isn't going to end well for Trump. Devin Nunes knows it, Chuck Grassley knows it, anyone that's not a fucking moron knows it. I can't wait for the indictments and convictions to commence.

Oh there's gonna be indictments and convictions alright.

$1000.00 dollars.

Put up or shut up vengeance boy.