Watching you neighborhood change over the years

Pretty much like a lot of other people who've posted here. Now before anyone calls me a racist for saying what I'm about to say, be mindful that there are a ton of white scrubs/losers/trash - whatever you want to call them - in this neighborhood as well. However, when the minorities took over the crime rate went up exponentially.

When my dad was in HS in the 60s there were a total of no more than a few minorities in his HS, and this was one of the biggest schools in the state. While I was going to the same HS decades later, the minorities had taken over the school and the whites were the minorities. Best welfare in the country. It didn't attract people from Chicago and Milwaukee for nothing.

The major trends of white flight started taking place in the 80s and 90s and still happens today. With that said, my folks' last neighbor - just a few years ago - was pre-med and put a lot of money into that house and the one they have now is a financial adviser. He drives a BMW.

However, if you go south about 1 mile you are in a shit hole. Lots of white trash, black gangsters, Hmong gangs, and a little further west of that is the Latino town with lots of crime over there. Like I said in another thread a lady was robbed via gun point in broad daylight last summer three houses down from mine.

Nevertheless one of best friends (Asian) went to law school and some of the Irishman I used to hang with turned into meth heads. :dunno:

The bottom line is that it has its good parts and its bad. If you go a mile or so north it's a damn fine area to live. If/when I have a son, I will stay in the 'hood; if/when I have a daughter, however, I'm gettin' the F out. :o
The area I grew up in. Hasn't really changed at all. Hell 90% of the people are still even the same.

The place I live now though. Has gradually gotten worse in the almost 10 yrs I've lived here. Though if you ask people they say it's gotten better but I don't see how. We never use to have cops pretty much living in their cars in the area. Save after dark when the most of the bad things happen. Go figure.
The area I grew up in. Hasn't really changed at all. Hell 90% of the people are still even the same.

The place I live now though. Has gradually gotten worse in the almost 10 yrs I've lived here. Though if you ask people they say it's gotten better but I don't see how. We never use to have cops pretty much living in their cars in the area. Save after dark when the most of the bad things happen. Go figure.

I'm being incredibly naïve here, but what bad things happen? I know Canada isn't North Dakota (where everybody has guns, yet only two people were murdered in ' knives) but I assume that violent crime really was quite infrequent outside of places like Toronto.
I'm being incredibly naïve here, but what bad things happen? I know Canada isn't North Dakota (where everybody has guns, yet only two people were murdered in ' knives) but I assume that violent crime really was quite infrequent outside of places like Toronto.

Not really violent crimes in my area are growing again. My area was like gang war central 30 yrs ago but then got cleaned up. Though its not gangs so much any more but just what would seem like random beatings though they did catch the rapist a few months ago. I feel safer going out after dark again but not by that much.

The last 2 murderers in my area that got caught lived in my community. I guess this areas just cycling back to what it was known for then it was originally built. Which sucks because we moved in here because it wasn't like that any more :( It was very inviting for families with small children. Not so much any more.

Some of the most brutal crimes have happened in small town. Though that was normally Biker gang related.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Ive watched my town go from a thriving beach community to a haven for low life gang members and assorted shitheads. The beach has become a summertime hangout for every shitbag in a twenty mile radius. So bad so that the average person cant walk the beach the night. Even with efforts to revitalize the area, we still get influx of scumbags every year. Thank god for the 2nd amendment.


Official Checked Star Member
Not really violent crimes in my area are growing again. My area was like gang war central 30 yrs ago but then got cleaned up. Though its not gangs so much any more but just what would seem like random beatings though they did catch the rapist a few months ago. I feel safer going out after dark again but not by that much.

The last 2 murderers in my area that got caught lived in my community. I guess this areas just cycling back to what it was known for then it was originally built. Which sucks because we moved in here because it wasn't like that any more :( It was very inviting for families with small children. Not so much any more.

Some of the most brutal crimes have happened in small town. Though that was normally Biker gang related.

I didn't know you lived in Canada! PM me where you live!!

I'm still new to my current city, but if I think back to my hometown, nothing has really changed. Still the same people living there, still the same drugged up guys from my highschool still hanging outside of the bank and Subway. Still the slutty girls hanging off of them too. Never really a crime filled town though, but thats small town life for ya.

My last city had quite a bit of crime for a Canadian city. Alot of it in my neighborhood too. In the 9 months I lived at my first college apartment, 7 people were killed within a three block of them was a 21 yr old girl two floors above me. Not sure how things have changed there since I moved but I'm guessing its still the same. :dunno:
Not really violent crimes in my area are growing again. My area was like gang war central 30 yrs ago but then got cleaned up. Though its not gangs so much any more but just what would seem like random beatings though they did catch the rapist a few months ago. I feel safer going out after dark again but not by that much.

The last 2 murderers in my area that got caught lived in my community. I guess this areas just cycling back to what it was known for then it was originally built. Which sucks because we moved in here because it wasn't like that any more :( It was very inviting for families with small children. Not so much any more.

Some of the most brutal crimes have happened in small town. Though that was normally Biker gang related.

Well that sucks. You have a family, right? Another example of somebody going out of their way to do the right thing, yet ending up in the same ol' predicament.

Hopefully things get better. When shit gets bad enough, it triggers flight or fight. And in the cases where I saw "fight", good things have happened. And I don't mean vigilante justice. I mean organization, observation and dedication...I swear I did not mean for the prefix trifecta! Harlem, NY, was once the epitome of a crime ridden I know NYU professors who can't land a lease there.

Good luck to you and yours. What a shame that shitty people have the power to influence what we do.
My area was never a super powerhouse economically but in the past it was alright. In the last approximate decade we have had to endure one devastating economic setback after another to the point it has made the community a shell of it's former self. If I had to estimate the real unemployment rate around here I would put it around 25%. The majority of the people that do have jobs have pretty crappy ones at that that now barely make over minimum wage. There are empty building and factories everywhere, and a lot of the ones still in business only have mostly empty parking lots because they were made when many fold more people worked there. It's not getting better either. Each day it seems to get a little worse.

The downtown area is a shell of it's former self with long liked and well known stores closing. The only real addition in that time to replace it was another bar which we didn't need.

Our school system which at one point have good teachers, was one of the best around, and was known giving people a good education, especially compared to the resources it had isn't the same with most of the good teachers moving somewhere else or retiring early. They are also under devastating budget cuts. They were pretty much operating on the bare minimum years ago. Since then they have had to make even more cuts.

Many houses that I walked past and knew as a child that looked nice and are starting to get that run down look, and not just the ones that nobody lives in. It's happening in even the nicer parts of the city. It's not that people moved in that don't care it's that when things are as bad as they are long term maintenance often gets put aside. The roads around this area are horrible. I don't know any other way to put it than that. I’ve never seen so many pot holes and patches, and it's not like they are planning to fix most of it any time soon.

Our community is starting getting old. Nobody that's young and can go somewhere else stays. I find it very rare anymore to go somewhere nearby and see many other people in the 18-40 year old range. Often I don't see any of them at all. Everybody that was young and had the ability to get out pretty much did. Sometimes I will see young kids, but it's mostly old people. If for no other reason than that we are doomed to die as a community, and there are a lot of other reasons that are pushing that along nicely.

While everybody that was able to get out pretty much did there are a huge number of poor people that have nowhere else to go or have somebody here or something here they have to take care of and can't leave. I shocked by the number of people here on the Internet and other places that just don't understand that. They don't realize what a significant lack of resources does to people, and it's much easier for them to think all the poor people have themselves to blame when they are often the people the least in control of anything.

At one time the people were generally good natured and nice. It's changed and you can feel it. Often now even when people act nice or pleasant you can almost sense it's more a polite act than anything. The depression, desperation, and general hopelessness has grated on people until many of them changed because of it. What's even worse is that many people have become more selfish and cutthroat than ever before. There is a lot less caring about ones neighbor or community anymore. Often that's because the people have changed and often it's because many feel they are forced to be that way to make it. I'm saddened by the number of people that are now willing to backstab people around here to get ahead. It wouldn't shock me if even a few would do that literally if they thought they could get away with it.

What also pisses me off about it is that nobody else out there in the state or country cares. People are getting desperate, our community is collapsing, people are about to fall into poverty and it will probably be long lasting generational poverty at that, there is very little normal people can do about it here, and nobody gives a damn. I haven't seen any reasonable solution from anybody that will fix any of the problems. Almost nobody here has hope anymore.
My parents have lived in the same house that I grew up in since before I was born. I still visit 'em regularly, and aside from seeing the first black person walking around here since I could form memories, it's still the same chill neighborhood it's always been. Oh, their grocery store has a liquor store in it now though, oh yeah! Haha!
ours (sacramento) appears to be going downhill lately, there have always been problems but they seem to be coming more frequently now as well as getting more brazen (midday shootings and people firing dozens of rounds in public places) perhaps it's time to get out of a city
I haven't lived anywhere long enough to answer. But I find it interesting to revisit old neighborhoods and see where I and my family have come.
My "neighborhood" in my now residence started with lazy people of one ethnicity complaining about lazy people of another ethnicity. Now it's pretty much the same except people of the original two ethnicities are complaining about losing jobs to a third ethnicity.

My neighborhood in New Haven...well, it was a crime-ridden cesspool and it's not any better now.
My "neighborhood" in my now residence started with lazy people of one ethnicity complaining about lazy people of another ethnicity. Now it's pretty much the same except people of the original two ethnicities are complaining about losing jobs to a third ethnicity.

Please do tell. I don't like political correctness. :shocked::popcorn: If you can't handle it PM me.

You racist pig. :ban::)