You need to take a long hard look at some statistics and see what percentages of people in poverty join the military. You find one example of one man and somehow to you that changes the majority?
As far as tillman goes I would say that he was misguided and in his rare case he wasnt giving in to any job he could get. I also said FOOTBALL players are no real use to society so do not take that out of context. You are extremely blind to say he was "serving this country" more than half of this country does not believe in a single "war" we are involved in right now so he was serving an administration not this country. And we should all be proud that he left his wife behind? To fend for herself. What exactly was tillman protecting us against that was worth his wife being left unprotected? Whether you disagree or not is irrelevant because the fact that his wife is now alone and his death didnt do me or anyone else any good is just that, a fact.
Contrary to your statement I do not hate the USA but it is sad and disgusting that the only trade that we are skilled at anymore is killing. Almost everything in this country is outsourced to other countries yet the one trade we put stock into is the military.
So please read your comments again and realize there are bigger issues in this country than romanticizing the military while acting like this is WW2 and we need protection. What we need is to get this country back to the former state it was in instead of policing the world.
Ok, let's address this bit by bit then...
"You need to take a long hard look at some statistics and see what percentages of people in poverty join the military.."
-First of all, wealthy individuals make up a significantly smaller portion of the populous as a whole, so it stands to reason that, proportionally, you will find a smaller number of wealthy individuals in pretty much any group, as a whole.
"You find one example of one man..."
A few names for you:
-Brooks Johnson
-Andy Ashcroft
-Sam Bond
-Duane Hunter
-Alan, Addison & Julian Wilson
-Jimmy Webb
-Dan Kline
-Jimmy McCain
-John Musgrave
-Perry Akin
-Patrick Daley
-Ok, there is more than one example, of more than one man, 13 to be exact. These are all people who are children or close relatives of well-off politicians that have, or currently do serve in our nation's military (most of them Republicans). I haven't recently heard of any destitute or poverty stricken politicians. And don't think for a second that these names or the only such instances. Further, realize that these enlistments were quite obviously a personal choice, not based on monetary considerations.
Aside from that, I live in a military town, and know handfuls of wealthy individuals that have sons and daughters currently serving in the armed forces that are quite decidedly proud of their children's service. To marginalize that, is disgraceful.
"You are extremely blind to say he was 'serving this country'..."
-He enlisted shortly after 9/11, citing civic duty as a main factor for enlisting. Just because you refuse accept his stated reasons for enlisting or to believe in a concept such as civic duty, doesn't mean they don't exist. Who are you to say that he wasn't serving his country? If that was his publicly stated intention, you simply disagreeing doesn't change his motivations, or alter his perception of who or what he was serving. He didn't join the military to "serve an administration," as you put it, but rather out of a sense of responsibility, and patriotism. Two concepts that apparently have slipped through the cracks with you.
"As far as tillman goes I would say that he was misguided..."
-Not only belittling his decision to serve, but calling him misguided as well? Maybe by your barometer.
"I also said FOOTBALL players are no real use to society so do not take that out of context..."
-He was a football player. How am I taking that out of context?
"And we should all be proud that he left his wife behind?"
-You're twisting words to try and make your point more salient, but in every interview I have seen with her, she has always expressed a sense of pride (if not sorrow, as well) in what her husband did. So, if she is proud of him, why should your opinion differ? Her's is somehow not satisfactory because it doesn't fit into your argument?
"I do not hate the USA..."
-For someone who claims not to hate this country, you sure seem to spend a lot of time criticizing it, and marginalizing the opinions of those who do while at the same time offering very little substantive suggestions as to what to do about it.
"...there are bigger issues in this country than romanticizing the military..."
-Who's romanticizing it? I'm just saying your attitude towards those who serve in the armed forces and alleging that their only motivation for doing so is their income bracket is both appalling and simply incorrect.
"...while acting like this is WW2 and we need protection. What we need is to get this country back to the former state it was in instead of policing the world."
-Which is it? We need protection, or we are policing the world? And if I remember correctly, we became the "World Police," because the rest of the world called on us to police it.