He sure is hard to beat. Nextr year, we getanother shot
He has to explain, why the jewish DNC candidate was not crowed. There is a big story behind that.
Oooh Oooh Oooh pick me Mr Kotter pick me!
Ok Horeshack-
Because although Bernie Sanders is indeed Jewish, Hillary Clinton being the 1st lady of Arkansas and then the country plus SofS and the owner of the Clinton Foundation money Laundering and Bribe factory has so much dirt on so many people. Files on everybody.
She could pick off any of them one by one or she could take them all out in one fell swoop.
The FBI, The CIA, DHS, you name it and just about every politician and appointed rep in the three ring circus is afraid of her.
She has information that could really do major damage. All the wars, all the crooked contracts, ect ect.
She knows all. And not just regarding US deeds and politicians but worldwide.
The Clintons have had there hands in every crooked deal for the past 25+ years.
And Israel. She knows everything theyve been behind and she could expose the leaders of israel for what they are.
War mongers, terrorists and extortionists.
She is backed by very powerful people Like The Rothchilds and other assorted billionaires and businesses like Soros and Goldman Sachs who are mostly jewish.
That's just fact.
She's like a Frankenstein Monster that they created. She's what Skynet is to Cyberdyne Systems.
She is the servant who has become the master.
They won't tell her no regardless of how Jewish Bernie Sanders is.