Vulva or Vuvuzela?

Vulva or Vuvuzela

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Vuvuzelas are annoying. Vulvas aren't (and they have quite a few other advantages).
I already did the same joke in the World Cup thread but it is so frigging funny that I am not shy to do it AGAIN! *drumroll*

Wuwu Seeler



A violet vulture from Venezuela, virtually visible on a volcano, vigorously vomiting in her veiny virgin vulva via a vibrating vuvuzela.

That's what I like.

Victor voraciously and vigorously vibrates the vulva via vibrator from the velvet
v-bone of the velociraptor, as Victoria vehemently vomits in various positions from the sheer volume of the vuzuzelas of every variety while in Vernon, Vermont visiting. :D
I'm actually gonna go with the lesser known Kuduzela!

The vulva is where you put your vuvuzela at night....that's probably why the dudes can't stop blowing them!