As anyone who checks can clearly see, I indeed went with the reigning Miss Euro Tart, not only because October is her birth month......and Wednesday is in fact her birthday, but also because of what she has always brought to the board & how incredibly active she is, and how she does all of that without asking for anything in return from anyone.
So, it is clear to me that Miss Hybrid, was & IS the OCSM who so clearly DESERVES to WIN this month in OOTM, and that's who I voted for! :thumbsup:
I've heard tell that if she wins, there will be a debauchery laden gala the likes of which one has never seen!
What better way to say "Happy Birthday" to the reigning OOTM than by VOTING for her also! :2 cents:
ps. Next month I'm doubling down on one Jane Burgess, and y'all should too!