>>> Vote for the Best Wallpaper Artist!

Which artist's wallpaper(s) do you like best?

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Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
It was a tough call for all entries. I had to try to understand what exactly I was voting for. Was it just for art? Patrick is the clear winner. Wallpaper? That is another set of rules. Functioning as computer wallpaper was my choice. Thus you can see from my rankings I put Doc Scurlock last. The second most vote getter.

Patrick S would have gotten my top vote if I just got to see another theme. 3 entries per person may have not been enough but that is all we had to go with. I don't know why others voted but this is just my take. I really had to do some thought concerning all 5 of you folks. Thank you all for taking the time and effort to contribute.