Baby goat is very good. I had it at my brother in laws engagement party (she's Greek), it was tasty.
My eyesights going :helpme:gsbs right there!
Always have goat Kleftiko when I'm in Sfakia they only eat wild mountain thyme cook for 4/5 hours lovely, plus at home our local butcher aways has fresh venison, mutton and pheasants when they're in season and his pheasants are cheaper than a supermarket chicken! nom...nomBaby goat is very good. I had it at my brother in laws engagement party (she's Greek), it was tasty.
I personally, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, me some veal. Fuck the ethical issues, shorten the rope, and make it more tender.
I voted for venison though, I agree with has so many options.
I eat aliens to enrich my DNA
Wetback, or ufo?
Shut up and eat your pies. Once your done clean my giant oven for me, don't forget to sprinkle yourself with these spices before you do.What's the difference between Venison and Game?
And who voted Human???
I plan on emailing petra for your derogatory, offensive comment. Saying "wetback" is like saying the "N" word or "gook" or "chink" You don't say those words. You are a moderator and have a responsibility to show.
:wtf: Dude, I'm Mexican. Do you think I would really write something derogatory about Mexicans? It's insulting, yes, but it's far from derogatory. Lighten up a little. :2 cents:
I doubt that you're Mexican, hispanic maybe, but you're sure as hell ain't Mexican. They wouldn't use that word, even a true Mexicano would know that "wetback" is an insult to them. I'm hispanic from Texas, but I have many family members that are from Mexico and I still wouldn't call them "wetbacks" Doesn't give you a right unless you're racist or just plain hate on Mexicans. For you to tell me to lighten up on a ethnic slur is ignorant. Perhaps you have been on the board too long and need a vacation.