Voluntary, one child policy

You must admit bombardier52 that you maybe a wee bit biased on the one child per family idea when I believe you said that you have 5 children.

BTW, I am not in any way knocking your decision to have 5 children. That decision was taken many years ago when there was nary a word about global over population and insufficient foodstuffs; in the media anyway.
I merely feel that going forward a family should only have one child. After all, this is not the 1700's when a large family was essential to a healthy family unit, in many cases. I can think of few, if any, reasons why someone would need to have more then one child. Want? Sure. But not need. And with the problems that most people believe the Earth currently faces, it is certainly prudent to hold off on a large family until one can be sure that the Earth will be able to adaquately and comfortably sustain them throughtout not only their lives, but their children's lives as well.

Thank you for an excellent post. I do in fact have five children. I would not have felt complete without being able to field a full basketball team. It is part of my biology or something.

With the examples that I gave before from the Population Bomb and the long dead Englishman when would anyone ever feel comfortable having children? Seems like there has been a crises of food, energy, land, or whatever else for, well, at least 200 years or so. Wolf has been cried here before.
i apologize in advance to the progressives here. i am going to say two things, and this is just an observation. i'm not saying it's right or wrong, but it is a fact.

1) all life is driven by one biological imperative: to reproduce.

nothing can ever stop this, not global starvation, not armageddon, not ted turner.

2) population is self-regulating. war and starvation. that's it.

No, I think the biological imperative is f***ing, not reproducing, per se.
Men wanna get their rocks off, but they still use condoms.
Women feel an urge to be a mother, but they still take The Pill.

Be it guilt or an impending sense of doom about the future, or a mix thereof, a lot of people are really restricting themselves in this area, and having only one kid or none at all. See Europe's population decline, and Russia's too, for that matter.

What really disturbs me lately is the battle between the Islamic nutcases and the ultra-right Christian patriot nutcases. They both seem to get into this scheme of outbreeding the enemy. Sorta the LAST thing we need at the moment, isn't it?

No, I think the biological imperative is f***ing, not reproducing, per se.
Men wanna get their rocks off, but they still use condoms.
Women feel an urge to be a mother, but they still take The Pill.

Ehhhh....in what culture?

Be it guilt or an impending sense of doom about the future, or a mix thereof, a lot of people are really restricting themselves in this area, and having only one kid or none at all. See Europe's population decline, and Russia's too, for that matter.
I think those people are shallow. Selfish or just really, really misguided.

What really disturbs me lately is the battle between the Islamic nutcases and the ultra-right Christian patriot nutcases. They both seem to get into this scheme of outbreeding the enemy. Sorta the LAST thing we need at the moment, isn't it?


When has there ever been a scheme to outbreed anybody? I don't think we have to outbreed anybody, but when two-faced hypocrates (TT) say we should sustain population growth to compete with places like China, but then say we should limit our growth, it kind of defeats their phony little agenda, eh?


What really disturbs me lately is the battle between the Islamic nutcases and the ultra-right Christian patriot nutcases. They both seem to get into this scheme of outbreeding the enemy.

Of the approx 80 - 100 , Christian oriented people that I deal with on a regular basis, including family, clients etc., none reveal any symptoms of zeal. After reading your statement one would think that we were dealing with aggressive and bombastic individuals. Some attend church on Sunday, most of them do not and that's the end of it.

Perhaps it's the large numbers that irritate you. :dunno:
Why let others enrage you ? It's diversity . . OK ?
No, it's bigotry.
To each their own I guess.
No, I think the biological imperative is f***ing, not reproducing, per se.
Men wanna get their rocks off, but they still use condoms.
Women feel an urge to be a mother, but they still take The Pill.

Be it guilt or an impending sense of doom about the future, or a mix thereof, a lot of people are really restricting themselves in this area, and having only one kid or none at all. See Europe's population decline, and Russia's too, for that matter.

What really disturbs me lately is the battle between the Islamic nutcases and the ultra-right Christian patriot nutcases. They both seem to get into this scheme of outbreeding the enemy. Sorta the LAST thing we need at the moment, isn't it?


I disagree that the biology is limited to just getting laid. It sure does appear that most animals, us included, have a biological urge to mate. I certainly can see that not all have that urge but I certainly did and sometimes today still do even though my oldest is a teenager.

Who are these "Christian patriot nutcases" that you speak of? There are some religions that advocate having large families but not as part of some scheme to outbreed someone as far as I know. They have always had large families as part of their teachings. Not attacking, just interested.


Closed Account
I don't believe this policy could become a 'voluntary' one. I feel that there would need to be a strong element of legislation to make it worthwhile and ultimately successful.

I completely disagree but regardless, it would never fly under our constitution, especially in light of the court's "finding" a "right to reproductive privacy". You would need a constitutional amendment which would require 2/3 of both houses and 3/4 of the state. It would also, with the exception of the prohbition amendment be the only amendment depriving people of rights. In other words, it would, luckly, never in a million years happen.
I completely disagree but regardless, it would never fly under our constitution, especially in light of the court's "finding" a "right to reproductive privacy". You would need a constitutional amendment which would require 2/3 of both houses and 3/4 of the state. It would also, with the exception of the prohbition amendment be the only amendment depriving people of rights. In other words, it would, luckly, never in a million years happen.

That's unfortunate, because at this rate, we'll be lucky if we have a thousand.
BRACE YOURSELF - this is a marathon post! A lot of interesting stuff being discussed here... (I appreciate your patience)

It would seem to me that we already have a voluntary one child policy. Nobody made me father more than one. I made the other three because I do so love banging cooch!

:rolleyes: That's not exactly a policy of any kind. A policy would be something wherein people are encouraged or discouraged to do something. By the same logic, we already have a voluntary sixteen-child policy, too.

You have to keep in mind that the enviormental impact of an american is many times what most others peoples is.Not that they should be reproducing eitheir at high rates, but the enviroment would benefit most from the countries consuming a lot of resources curtailing growth.

Exactly, Americans consume comparatively massive quantities of everything (and I'm not just talking about eating).

maybe this should be exercised first in well lets say, countries with limited carring capacity were famine and drought are normal occurances and breeding is done at the drop of the hat. (where the aids epidemic is the worst also) mostly eastern africa. this isn't a bad idea but lets work on the worst offenders first. We dont want to breed ourselves out of our own civil liberties, we can still have children 1-2 not 4-5. one or two kids would be flat growth, not per mate (thinking of alot of single women i know) per person

While one can reasonably speak of the carrying capacities of different countries, when addressing environmental issues (say, species depletion or global warming) it is not helpful to limit policies within particular borders. What Americans do (and Chinese do, and Indians do, and Europeans do) has more of a global impact. People who own and drive multiple cars and eat lots of meat and use a lot of chemicals and have governments with great military resources tend to have a much bigger impact on the global environment - not just within their home countries - than do those who make biscuits where dirt is one of the ingredients (that's not a joke, btw), who live in cardboard boxes or thatched huts, who weight 105 lbs. rather than 210, who get 99.9% of their food from sources within 100 miles (or they just grow it or hunt it themselves), who can't comprehend a gas station credit card, and who bathe in the river once in a while. That's just true - that doesn't mean I'm saying the way poor Africans or Asians live SHOULD be some standard we aspire to, so don't distort me here... Large, populous, DEVELOPED nations or those DEVELOPING (see: Asia for starters) will have a much bigger impact on global realities if they double or halve their populations than if impoverished African or Asian countries double or halve their pops.

I agree with him. This is a good idea that will help save the world's resources. People don't want to give up their right to do anything, though. The human race is just gonna just ride the Personal Liberties Train right into extinction and possibly bring the whole planet with it.

EXCELLENT point, senob44. Look at China. Whether you want to label China communist or capitalist, the reality is they're growing like CRAZY, and a LOT of Chinese people are getting wealthier and aspiring to the American standard of living. Americans pride themselves on being very hard-working, but the rest of the world aspires to American living standards because they see people with garages filled with big cars, big houses stuffed with lots of stuff, and people eating lots of delicious meat. The Chinese are developing a taste for beef, too. Everyone should investigate the environmental impact of raising a pound of beef sometime, including the massive amounts of water and fossil fuels it takes compared to food crops. I don't have any beef with the Chinese (pun intended) but I worry much more about their numbers than say whatever the population trends of say, Lesotho, are.
And another part of America's Personal Liberties is, in my view, the attitude that if one can FINANCIALLY afford something they should be entitled to that something, whatever it is. But the problem is, is if we really think our Way of Life is a universal good, and should be adopted worldwide (but if we think only that we are entitled to it, but others aren't, how elitist is THAT??), then we are in serious trouble, and heading for barbarism if the rest of the world adopts it, or we don't modify it in some significant ways ourselves.

Personally, I think people need to adopt more. I can understand why they want their own biological child but in today's age, how much of "carrying on the line" is biological and how much is cultural??

Bravo! Those who want more than 2 kids should adopt a kid. Start with the black kids (esp. if you're a "color-blind" conservative!).

kids are the biggest economic incentive in this country right now.
The system can't force people to work, and there's no incentive to work.

It's a symptom of the bigger problems. Millions of 18-24 year olds are investing in their education, only to get absolutely no return on their investment.

The part about kids and incentives is absurd - just flat-out absurd.

The part about the education investment is on-target, though.

Ted Turner and his outfit (CNN) never miss an oppurtunity to ram home this idea that we need illegal immigration (any immigration) for our economy to function.

And it's not just Ted, it's these rich elitist types that play that shit. I think they are trying to wipe out the middle class by importing tens of millions of uneducated Mexicans to clean us out. Meanwhile, they are telling you and I to stop making kids.

What in the world are you talking about?? CNN's most prominent voice on immigration is easily Lou Dobbs and unless you've been asleep, you'll notice he ain't exactly an immigration booster.... :rolleyes: Glenn Beck, another part of that "communist news network" :1orglaugh has comparable views, the last time I endured listening to him. (CNN just took on Bush's old press sec., Tony Snow - God, what a liberal media outlet!!!)
You ought to elaborate on who these "rich elitist types" are and how they are "importing" Mexicans (nice way to dehumanize The Others!) and "telling you" how many kids to have.

Ehhhh....in what culture?

I think those people are shallow. Selfish or just really, really misguided.

When has there ever been a scheme to outbreed anybody? I don't think we have to outbreed anybody, but when two-faced hypocrates (TT) say we should sustain population growth to compete with places like China, but then say we should limit our growth, it kind of defeats their phony little agenda, eh?

In American culture, for starters. Yes, many or most people want to have kids, but wanting to have kids is not the same thing as wanting to have sex. I'll go out on a limb and say that most people want to have sex more than the handful of times it (usually) takes to produce 1,2, or 3 kids.

As for them being "selfish" or misguided, it's funny you say that, because I think there's an equally good case to be made that reproducing when the future looks so grim, to pass on one's family genes or whatever, could easily be considered "selfish" - people have kids at least as much for themselves and their own egos and self-satisfaction as they do for any altruistic or selfless purposes. The case is stronger when one considers how many kids w/o parents are out there waiting to be adopted. If you really want to be the antithesis of selfish, then forget about passing on your family bloodlines and ADOPT. (and I say this as someone who has biologically reproduced)
"I don't think we have to outbreed anybody..."
You leave the impression that you think otherwise... but I'll take your words at face-value.
"but when two-faced hypocrates (TT) say we should sustain population growth to compete with places like China, but then say we should limit our growth, it kind of defeats their phony little agenda, eh?"
1. It's h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y and h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e-s. Dang, a LOT of people have trouble with these words - it's almost as bad as the 1,001 variations on "definitely"
2. What is Turner's "phony little agenda" exactly?? Frankly, I think the world will have to step down from its blindered worship of the "growth" and "development" gods in the near future, be they related to population or economies. They simply can't be sustained.

I disagree that the biology is limited to just getting laid. It sure does appear that most animals, us included, have a biological urge to mate. I certainly can see that not all have that urge but I certainly did and sometimes today still do even though my oldest is a teenager.

Who are these "Christian patriot nutcases" that you speak of? There are some religions that advocate having large families but not as part of some scheme to outbreed someone as far as I know. They have always had large families as part of their teachings. Not attacking, just interested.

Yes, we have an urge to mate (to reproduce) but we also have the ability to separate the reproductive act from actual reproduction, thus the incredible popularity of birth control whenever and wherever it's made available.

As for the Christian patriot nutcases, I guess I've spent more time on non-FreeOnes sites, esp. political ones, as this is a theme that is not hard to find. And I've not only found it to be a popular rant on blogs, but I've also heard it more than a few times within my own family, which is composed of primarily Christians, with a few low-key secular agnostics mixed in. Start here:


and for direct examples of the Christian Right (and even some non-Christian righties) getting its collective panties in a twist over it, see these:


That's all I can stomach linking to, to be honest. There's PLENTY more out there, trust me....

Ok, now, on with life...

What in the world are you talking about?? CNN's most prominent voice on immigration is easily Lou Dobbs and unless you've been asleep, you'll notice he ain't exactly an immigration booster.... :rolleyes: Glenn Beck, another part of that "communist news network" :1orglaugh has comparable views, the last time I endured listening to him. (CNN just took on Bush's old press sec., Tony Snow - God, what a liberal media outlet!!!)
You ought to elaborate on who these "rich elitist types" are and how they are "importing" Mexicans (nice way to dehumanize The Others!) and "telling you" how many kids to have.


Neo-cons and left-wing liberals aren't very much different. Dobbs is a great voice because he stands up for middle America. Like I said though, he doesn't pull ratings like that neo-con O'Reilly. CNN, I'm pretty sure, was on the wagon to go into Iraq, from the start. All the networks were. That's just one example. So when you try to differentiate between neo-con and liberal, there's not really much difference.

In American culture, for starters. Yes, many or most people want to have kids, but wanting to have kids is not the same thing as wanting to have sex. I'll go out on a limb and say that most people want to have sex more than the handful of times it (usually) takes to produce 1,2, or 3 kids.

As for them being "selfish" or misguided, it's funny you say that, because I think there's an equally good case to be made that reproducing when the future looks so grim, to pass on one's family genes or whatever, could easily be considered "selfish" - people have kids at least as much for themselves and their own egos and self-satisfaction as they do for any altruistic or selfless purposes. The case is stronger when one considers how many kids w/o parents are out there waiting to be adopted. If you really want to be the antithesis of selfish, then forget about passing on your family bloodlines and ADOPT. (and I say this as someone who has biologically reproduced)
"I don't think we have to outbreed anybody..."
You leave the impression that you think otherwise... but I'll take your words at face-value.
"but when two-faced hypocrates (TT) say we should sustain population growth to compete with places like China, but then say we should limit our growth, it kind of defeats their phony little agenda, eh?"
1. It's h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y and h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e-s. Dang, a LOT of people have trouble with these words - it's almost as bad as the 1,001 variations on "definitely"
2. What is Turner's "phony little agenda" exactly?? Frankly, I think the world will have to step down from its blindered worship of the "growth" and "development" gods in the near future, be they related to population or economies. They simply can't be sustained.:

So what if people want to (a) carry their name on or (b) have children that are biologically their own? Don't label them selfish because of these simple, internal, natural instincts to keep their family lineage alive. You come off as the quack when you say they're the ones that a out of line. You're pointing the finger at the wrong people and culture. Polygamy isn't even legal in America. Your idea of what America is is parallel with the same people that say we need to import tens of millions of foreigners for our economy to function. You want to clean America up...you can start by exporting the 30 million illegals, then by ending immigration. Then maybe I'll start to see your argument in better light. But when people like you simultaneously say America needs people to do certain jobs, but that we should all practice birth control, that's just a contradiction. And another thing, the people you are importing to support your McDonald's and your $5 car washes...I hate to break it to you, but their cultures aren't exactly the birth control practicing, if you catch my drift.
And another thing, let me say that I feel sorry for kids in America today. I went into Olive Garden the other day to have lunch and it was all 30-40 year old immigrants bussing tables, doing work that most high school kids are applying for. Whatever happened to letting a 15 year old bus tables for a few bucks? It was hard enough for me to find a job in high school (not long ago), but having to deal with a bunch of immigrants...:thefinger The world is so backwards right now. It's going to shit.
Neo-cons and left-wing liberals aren't very much different. Dobbs is a great voice because he stands up for middle America. Like I said though, he doesn't pull ratings like that neo-con O'Reilly. CNN, I'm pretty sure, was on the wagon to go into Iraq, from the start. All the networks were. That's just one example. So when you try to differentiate between neo-con and liberal, there's not really much difference.

So what if people want to (a) carry their name on or (b) have children that are biologically their own? Don't label them selfish because of these simple, internal, natural instincts to keep their family lineage alive. You come off as the quack when you say they're the ones that a out of line. You're pointing the finger at the wrong people and culture. Polygamy isn't even legal in America. Your idea of what America is is parallel with the same people that say we need to import tens of millions of foreigners for our economy to function. You want to clean America up...you can start by exporting the 30 million illegals, then by ending immigration. Then maybe I'll start to see your argument in better light. But when people like you simultaneously say America needs people to do certain jobs, but that we should all practice birth control, that's just a contradiction. And another thing, the people you are importing to support your McDonald's and your $5 car washes...I hate to break it to you, but their cultures aren't exactly the birth control practicing, if you catch my drift.

Wow, there's so much junk in there, I don't even know where to begin. I've gotta keep it brief.

My point about your "selfish" claim was really just to note that the decision to HAVE children can easily - and reasonably - be described as selfish, just as the decision to NOT HAVE kids can be thus described.

Your point about CNN and immigration has been pretty thoroughly debunked at this point. Dobbs and "middle America" my a** - he's just riding the racist train at this point, fabricating total b.s. about Mexicans bringing leprosy and the plague with them. He gets caught red-handed in his weaseliness and doesn't even admit it, let alone apologize.

"the people you are importing to support your McDonald's and your $5 car washes...I hate to break it to you, but their cultures aren't exactly the birth control practicing, if you catch my drift."

First, "I" am not "importing" anyone to support "my" McDonald's or "my" $5 car washes. I neither own nor have any financial interest in either sort of thing. As for McDonald's, I oppose them for a wide variety of reasons, and avoid them as much as I can. Car washes tend to be a bad use of water. So please, give it a rest with your endless barrage of straw men - it really makes it next to impossible to discuss much of anything with you.

But as for whether Mexican culture is "the birth control practicing" kind or not (I think I'm "getting [your] drift" right, well, the CIA stats put them at a fertility rate of 2.37, a bit higher than the USA's 2.1 - Mexico has a lower fertility rate than that crazy nation of dangerous breeders, Greenland - yeah, that's right, Greenland.

Also, this is a straw man, as well - "when people like you simultaneously say America needs people to do certain jobs, but that we should all practice birth control"

"Neo-cons and left-wing liberals aren't very much different" - Really? Really?? Golly, before the Iraq war began, I recall a very high percentage of left-wing liberals (easily more than 90 or 95%) opposing it. I guess it'd be fair to characterize me a left-wing liberal, and I monitor pretty closely what a lot of neo-cons are saying, and it is really striking just how frequently I disagree with them - it's almost always.

And another thing, let me say that I feel sorry for kids in America today. I went into Olive Garden the other day to have lunch and it was all 30-40 year old immigrants bussing tables, doing work that most high school kids are applying for. Whatever happened to letting a 15 year old bus tables for a few bucks? It was hard enough for me to find a job in high school (not long ago), but having to deal with a bunch of immigrants...:thefinger The world is so backwards right now. It's going to shit.

Did you ask any of them for their immigration paperwork to make sure they were on the up-and-up???

Why don't you put your money somewhere other than where your mouth and belly lead you, and boycott Olive Garden until they start hiring local, non-immigrant high school kids? I bet you could get Dobbs and O'Reilly to give some airtime to your "cause"!!
Wow, there's so much junk in there, I don't even know where to begin. I've gotta keep it brief.

My point about your "selfish" claim was really just to note that the decision to HAVE children can easily - and reasonably - be described as selfish, just as the decision to NOT HAVE kids can be thus described.

Your point about CNN and immigration has been pretty thoroughly debunked at this point. Dobbs and "middle America" my a** - he's just riding the racist train at this point, fabricating total b.s. about Mexicans bringing leprosy and the plague with them. He gets caught red-handed in his weaseliness and doesn't even admit it, let alone apologize.

"the people you are importing to support your McDonald's and your $5 car washes...I hate to break it to you, but their cultures aren't exactly the birth control practicing, if you catch my drift."

First, "I" am not "importing" anyone to support "my" McDonald's or "my" $5 car washes. I neither own nor have any financial interest in either sort of thing. As for McDonald's, I oppose them for a wide variety of reasons, and avoid them as much as I can. Car washes tend to be a bad use of water. So please, give it a rest with your endless barrage of straw men - it really makes it next to impossible to discuss much of anything with you.

But as for whether Mexican culture is "the birth control practicing" kind or not (I think I'm "getting [your] drift" right, well, the CIA stats put them at a fertility rate of 2.37, a bit higher than the USA's 2.1 - Mexico has a lower fertility rate than that crazy nation of dangerous breeders, Greenland - yeah, that's right, Greenland.

Also, this is a straw man, as well - "when people like you simultaneously say America needs people to do certain jobs, but that we should all practice birth control"

"Neo-cons and left-wing liberals aren't very much different" - Really? Really?? Golly, before the Iraq war began, I recall a very high percentage of left-wing liberals (easily more than 90 or 95%) opposing it. I guess it'd be fair to characterize me a left-wing liberal, and I monitor pretty closely what a lot of neo-cons are saying, and it is really striking just how frequently I disagree with them - it's almost always.


:sleep: You're the one who is all over the place. Greenland...WTF? Just because you make some outlandish claim (90-95% opposing it :rolleyes:), doesn't make it true. Only about 20 Senators were against it, and some of the were Independent. Get it right man. If you are left, then you fall into a bunch of chategories, whether you like it or not. So don't feed me this drivel about how you somehow don't fit in the chategory you just said you belong to.

Also, look up anchor babies and birthright citizenship. I'm not going to do it for you. There's a strategy with those that violate our laws.

Did you ask any of them for their immigration paperwork to make sure they were on the up-and-up???

Why don't you put your money somewhere other than where your mouth and belly lead you, and boycott Olive Garden until they start hiring local, non-immigrant high school kids? I bet you could get Dobbs and O'Reilly to give some airtime to your "cause"!!

First off, I quite honestly don't like Olive Garden - it made me shit 10 minutes after I ate it last time. Second, it wasn't my choice, as it was a birthday party for a friend. I actually do put my money where my mouth is. I don't frequent establishments that are known to hire illegals. It was nice to know after I canned at my previous employer that they were busted for having hired dozens of them, though. O'Reilly is a real headcase. I don't care for him at all. He's a flip-flop neo-con who vilified Ron Paul like some kind of sleazeball.

Oh yeah, and Dobbs isn't racist. :thefinger His wife is Mexican.
chategories (???), shitting at Olive Garden, relentless straw men... this thread's gone and jumped the shark...
chategories (???), shitting at Olive Garden, relentless straw men... this thread's gone and jumped the shark...

You said nothing. It means nothing. Your claim(s) is ridiculous and bizarre, to most average people. Your'e never going to stop breeding habits in America. Yes, you will influence a whole bunch of sheep (so many have already bought into this idea), but it still means very little, because America lets in thousands everyday from cultures all over the world that just do not believe in birth control. I'm gonna have children to look after me when I'm old. You can have Humberto look after you in some old folks home when your time comes. :thefinger
EXCELLENT point, senob44.

Thanks, Facial_King! It should be excellent, it got me the latest POTW! :tongue: But really it's just a simple viewpoint in some fancy wording.

It's funny how we agree on some things and not on others. Sometimes I find myself on the side of the liberals, then in other threads, I criticize "bleeding heart liberals". :rolleyes: I guess when Facetious described me as a centrist, he was right on target! Unfortunately as a result, I usually find myself struggling to find candidates in elections who even fit most of my ideals. :(

Sorry to de-rail the topic a little, just wanted to put down those few thoughts.
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