No one will hire her? Discrimination lawsuit makes her a lot more money. Good idea. :clap:
What discrimination lawsuit? As an employer in the U.S., you have the right to hire and fire who you please, as long as it's not based on certain factors, like race, religion, gender, etc. I'm not held to one now, but with my last company, I had to sign a "morals clause" in my employment contract. So if I did something that made the company look bad (even if it was technically legal), they could fire me and not pay out the balance of my contract. Being accused of killing a baby, lying to the cops and writing bad checks on my shopping sprees (while the baby was rotting in a ditch) would more than likely trigger the average morals clause.
Besides, other than kiting checks
(and killing babies), what are her qualifications to get a job... any job? Add to that, she does have a criminal conviction on her record now. That alone would disqualify her from many/most employers. The worthless piece of shit will probably squirt out another baby and the taxpayers will pay for a free apartment, medical care and food... until she kills that one too. Maybe she can hook up with that quack doctor from California and she can become the new OctoMom. As long as she didn't kill more than one of them every couple of years, she should be able to stretch that gig out til she can get Social Security.