
Im a young guy but i'm still a virgin, i was just wondering from you experienced folk out there if sex is as good as everyone builds it up to be, like is it better than jerking off or are we talking about a similar type of pleasure???
yeah I have to agree with super fly. sex is great and much much more better than jerking off. however, the first time wont be "the best sex ever" as most people try to say it is because you lack the experience and knowledge, but after the first time it all goes uphill from there :D
Ruck Fangers said:
Im a young guy but i'm still a virgin, i was just wondering from you experienced folk out there if sex is as good as everyone builds it up to be, like is it better than jerking off or are we talking about a similar type of pleasure???

why did you keep yourself virgin for so long (age 24)?
I think that if you are so curious -- and it is normal, of course -- you should go to a prostibule and get a girl for some dolars. Use a condom, and be careful with your health.

Comment: Sometimes you will realize that a good masturbation can be better than having sex with the wrong woman. And nothing compares with making love with the girl that you really love -- and if she also loves you, wow, it´s great. good luck.
depends on how much you actually care about the person you are doing it with. if its just a one nioght theing, chances are it will not live up to your expectations.... however if you have actually been with this person for a few months then the build up will either help the sex, or totally demolish everything you thought sex was..

good work on staying a virgin so long... mine as well wait till marriage


Retired Mod
I have yet to have "bad sex". Even when it was "just ok" it was great! Even when it's awkward, you'll think to yourself, "That was really awkward, oh well, we'll just have to do it again. Practice makes perfect."

It helps to really like the person you are with, but it's really not a prerequisite. In fact, not knowing the person may help make it better cause the two of you can just go at it without the pressure that comes along with having sex with some one you have to see the next day.


Member, you member...
Having sex IS better than having Rosie Palm and her five sisters doing it for you.
Just remember to be safe whenever you get the opportunity to slam the clam.
Aces&Jacks said:
In fact, not knowing the person may help make it better cause the two of you can just go at it without the pressure that comes along with having sex with some one you have to see the next day.

That and the fact if you really screw it up, she won't go around and tell all her girlfriends both of you know how much you suck in bed. :rofl:

But seriously I agree with what other posters have said.