Violet is one of the most beautiful, talented, and extremely sexy models on the internet. I repeat... Violet is one of the most beautiful, talented, and extremely sexy models on the internet... but, she does have an obvious flaw. She seems to be very immature and lacks confidence in herself. Also, her negative attitude, that she so freely expresses, is a turn off. I've been a member of Violet's various sites on and off but I just canceled again. Not because of the quality of the content or even the lack of consistency in updates and cam shows, but more because of her negative attitude. I'm trying to escape the negativity of the world when I look at nude models. Isn't that the point? I recently unfollowed her on twitter because sometimes her attitude depresses me. It seems like she is always bitching about something or what someone said. I also can't handle the constant spamming of her "ChipIn" donations. This past week has been brutal. It seems like she mentions it numerous times a day. I'm confused why anybody would donate to that. It seems extremely foolish to me. I understand that she is in debt and has made bad decisions, but does that give her the right to ask for handouts? There are many people in debt but we're not out on the street panhandling or begging for money on the internet. It just doesn't work that way in the real world. You have to learn from your mistakes. Now she is "selling" a 10 minute masturbation video for $75 dollars if people donate. Really? $75 dollars for a 10 min video? That's $7.50 per minute. Am I the only one that thinks that's a rip off? I politely and respectively asked her to please stop spamming her ChipIn so much and she proceeded to cuss me out, block me, and accused me of being a freeloader. Excuse me, but just because I refuse to hand over my wallet to her for no reason, that makes me a freeloader? Isn't the definition of a freeloader someone that is begging for handouts? A freeloader is someone who exploits any chance to get free stuff whenever possible. For example, her ChipIn and her amazon wish list (which I also can't handle the constant spamming from ANY model.) Well, when she said that to me, I then made the decision to cancel my membership to her site. I don't think I will be joining again unless she has an attitude adjustment. Just think how popular she would be if she just learned to keep her negative opinions to herself and had a more positive outlook. I look at Gisele and there is no reason why Violet shouldn't be as popular and successful as her. The difference is, she has learned to be more positive and I never read any negativity on her twitter and hear her spouting her mouth off in cam shows like Violet does. Gisele is also more enthusiastic in her cam shows as well. It's just a shame to let all that beauty and talent go to waste because of her poor attitude. And she wonders why she's not as successful as she could be.