Re: Very Violet / Violet Erotica
Nor should you. Even if I might give advice, I also make it a point not to demand of others how they should live their life, so you should probably do what makes you happy. I just hope all of them are good decisions that work out for you because more than a few models have had things turn out bad before they realize the total scope of the consequences of their decisions and regretted it, and you look better and have more potential than the vast majority of new models in the business.
As far as a pure marketing standpoint, almost nobody dislikes a woman's look because they don't have tattoos, but there are a lot of people that are turned off on them if they go too far (Which I‘ll admit I‘m one of.), which doesn't apply to you, yet. In any case I don't begrudge you doing what you want to do. As long as your sure of what you want, it's your call.
It's cool. You didn't really say anything offensive, just saying I like them. I kinda get sick of hearing, "Too bad about those tattoos. . . " or "She'd be hot if it wasn't for the tattoos."
Does anyone realize how rude and ignorant that sounds from a models point of view? If you don't like my tattoos or even some of my features, fine. You could keep it to yourself though. That would be more polite. I don't care if you don't like my tattoos, and I doubt my fans care either. I'm here for you to look at, not to criticize. If you don't like a model, move on. Ya know?
Cool, thanks. I guess I didn't consider the fact that
You Might not be the one who added the music. :tongue:
On a side note, don't let one or two negative opinions of your looks make you try to change or go fake on us. I think most of us are still in awe of how gorgeous you look just the way you are.
Thank you.

Funny, I'm constantly accused of being oh-so fake already. lol I have no plans for any cosmetic procedures though, if that's what you mean.
Even if her breast are faked or not who cares ? She is great looking girl and all that maters is only what She thinks about her self and that She accept it with proud
Ohh and Violet.... i want to ask about what tattoos are u going to make ? and on which parts of body or will that be suprise ?
Anyway our bodies are like empty paintings why not draw some more dont u agree ?
I'm staying away from the butt, breasts, face, etc. Those also tend to be the areas my fans worry about when I mention more tattoos.
Violet's facial expressions are amazing. Keep up the good work (even though I hope your doing it for fun as well!)
Thank you.

I try to change it up. Many models are captured with the same expression constantly, and I'm guilty of that when I get bored of shooting. I really make an effort to keep things interesting and fun. I love to be creative, and I do enjoy my work. It's my artistic outlet!