video help

hi. I have the crappiest connection ever, so it takes ages to download movies. So i like to download small mpegs and link them together.

Does anyone know anywhere to download...

Crissy Moran mpgs
Cassidey Rae mpgs
Adriana Sage mpgs
Or just any really good videos.

Hm.. that could be tricky, since all the large vid sites are usually changing their content quite often and looking for a specific pornstar isn´t exactly easy.
My best guess is to start with and surf your way through the linked sites, you´ll eventually find something, at least from Adriana Sage b/c she seems to be the most popular one of those three.
If you´re searching the web, make sure you got a download manager (flashget or getright or something) so you don´t lose anything when you´re losing connection.
Another possibility is Kazaa. You´ll almost certainly find something there and you can also apply some filters (filesize) which helps a lot with a bad conn.


P.S. and be prepared to hit Alt F4 a lot when you´re searching the web to get rid of all those pesky dialer stuff. :/
(god.. I love my adsl conn :))
I use mpg joiner. Its just a program that allows you to join mpgs together as long as they're the same bit rate and shit. So if you download movies in a series, they'll all be the same, so you can join them together to make the movie complete. You can do it for avi's too but I only have the mpg joiner, not the avi one.
you people are all need to use EMULE and to download your videos...full length scenes and pussy ass 30 sec and 1 minute clips.....dreams answered
yeah, but if you re-read Pib´s initial posting, you´ll see that he´s on a crappy connection and downloading a 200+ MB file at modem speed sucks. :)
I´m using Emule and Kazaa a lot and I´m pretty happy that I don´t have to dl from websites anymore. That´s one of the advantages of having a decend adsl conn.