I'll never understand why this game is held so high in regards to difficulty. I beat it and I don't remember it being the supremely difficult game that it's made out to be. Battle Toads on the other hand. That game is fucking hard.
yeah, punchout wasn't that big of a deal. i kicked mike's ass so many times that i lost count.
you want a game that's hard? try out Gradius 3 ...the actual arcade game, not the SNES version.
in the arcade version there's no option to continue, and according to wikipedia, so many gamers in japan complained about the difficulty that konami had it pulled for arcades.
you can play it on your PC via the MAME emulator. there's also the Gradius Collection for the sony PSP that contains 4 or 5 Gradius games with part 3 (arcade version) being one of them.
hard game ...probably the hardest i've seen ...top 5 for sure.