Video game urban legends.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Tails Doll?
i hope they continue making these but with games i actually played! :1orglaugh

You didn't play Super Mario Bros? Or Zelda? Or Super Smash Bros?? What have you played??

What are some urban legends you'd like to see tackled on this show?

Minus World in Super Mario Bros and Polybius would be pretty cool IMO.
I want to see the urban legend of all urban legends. That somebody actually beat Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!

I'll never understand why this game is held so high in regards to difficulty. I beat it and I don't remember it being the supremely difficult game that it's made out to be. Battle Toads on the other hand. That game is fucking hard.
I'll never understand why this game is held so high in regards to difficulty. I beat it and I don't remember it being the supremely difficult game that it's made out to be. Battle Toads on the other hand. That game is fucking hard.

yeah, punchout wasn't that big of a deal. i kicked mike's ass so many times that i lost count.

you want a game that's hard? try out Gradius 3 ...the actual arcade game, not the SNES version.

in the arcade version there's no option to continue, and according to wikipedia, so many gamers in japan complained about the difficulty that konami had it pulled for arcades.

you can play it on your PC via the MAME emulator. there's also the Gradius Collection for the sony PSP that contains 4 or 5 Gradius games with part 3 (arcade version) being one of them.

hard game ...probably the hardest i've seen 5 for sure.
You didn't play Super Mario Bros? Or Zelda? Or Super Smash Bros?? What have you played??

What are some urban legends you'd like to see tackled on this show?

Minus World in Super Mario Bros and Polybius would be pretty cool IMO.

played super mario but never really stuck with it past... maybe level 2-2
never played zelda or ANY zelda or ANY mario games other than what i previously mentioned.
i play alot of sports games but i cant remember anything i would want "investigated"
i have beaten tyson i dont get the stories of people saying he cant be beat. Warrior are you saying you had it, played all the way up to tyson and never in your life beat him? do you hate that you never finished the game?
Maybe one of the best known VG urban legends is the one about the videogame Doom and the 1999's Columbine Massacre. The shooters were avid Doom players, and used to create custom levels and upload them to the web; their best know work was the Harris Levels. After the massacre some people said that the shooters had created levels that looked like Columbine High to 'practice' their shooting, but this rumor was proved wrong:

By the way, I love that game!