Victoria Givens

Everyone! Breaking News! i just read on Victoria's site that she is no longer doing the Sex, a Movie and Dinner contest, which winners who were chosen would fly out to see her, have dinner, see a movie and then would be able to have sex with Mrs. Givens. Apparently, someone who didn't win got their lawyers and said it was against the law to fly someone to see her and have sex with her. Now shes doing a contest where u submit sex stories and if published on her site, u will receive a dvd autographed by her. im totally bummed out cuz i wanted to enter her first contest, but no. Some whiney loser had to complain. What an ass!
Everyone! Breaking News! i just read on Victoria's site that she is no longer doing the Sex, a Movie and Dinner contest, which winners who were chosen would fly out to see her, have dinner, see a movie and then would be able to have sex with Mrs. Givens. Apparently, someone who didn't win got their lawyers and said it was against the law to fly someone to see her and have sex with her. Now shes doing a contest where u submit sex stories and if published on her site, u will receive a dvd autographed by her. im totally bummed out cuz i wanted to enter her first contest, but no. Some whiney loser had to complain. What an ass!

WTF!Who ever blabbed definitely needs his or her ass completely whooped!:mad:
i wonder when shes gonna do anymore new stuff. i'd love to see her on my friends hot mom or maybe something new like diary of a milf.

