My opinion doesn't matter but I think you guys need to stop. People have different reasons not to do IR...preference, business decision, family, fans amd in very few cases racism. People like N Pelosi and H Clinton are seen as very liberal and non racist but I bet you they've never done a black man. I read Vicky's interviews and posts in the past and she didn't come off as a racist. Vicky said time and time again that she didn't do IR because of physical preference and now that she is married she doesn't do other men.Because she said she doesn't find black men attractive doesn't make her racist...we can't control who we are attracted to. If she was racist, I would not watch her stuff but because no one has a reason to say she is a racist, I will keep watching her stuff. I wouldn't do fat people if I was a porn star, so does that make me prejudice? I heard her site is pretty good and I will subscribe. Unlike you, I'm BLACK