Interesting. I've now cobbled together some stuff. she's also known as Ashley Kelly on xpeeps and elsewhere. Under that name, she seems to have had a website that's now defunct.
Someone on another board said that she doesn't exist but is photoshopped from someone named Mary Ryder, but I haven't been able to confirm. It's true that many, if not most, of the photos at xpeeps have slightly blurry or processed face images.
She does look very different in some photos. It could be a fakeness issue; or it could be that she had more and more work done.
I have long had a set of about a dozen pictures that look very much like the water-and-rock photo sessions above. In most of them her face doesn't look nearly as pretty or her implants as big; generally it looks like a downscale version of the woman above; it's either a different woman (with one of them photoshopping the faces on) or, again, some major work. I can imagine it being the same women but it's a stretch.
I'm fascinated by this whole thing. As someone who has always been attracted most strongly to extremely thin women, with lean muscular women, and big firm breasts in second and third place, she represents some sort of fantasy fulfillment.
It would be really nice if she were real. I'm hoping to find more photos. I'll keep looking; and I hope some others will as well.
Here's one from those sessions:
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