Very nice and sexy woman

What do you think about this woman?

Do you like she?
Do you like too have sex with she?
What kind of sex?
How big bra need she?


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Ace Bandage

The one and only.
What do you think about this woman?
She's a fat mess.

Do you like she?
No, fat people are disgusting, and I'm incredibly shallow.

Do you like too have sex with she?

What kind of sex?
The kind where you have sex with other people who aren't overweight.

How big bra need she?
A big one. She also needs tent awnings for clothes.

Side note: learn the difference between her and she.
What do you think about this woman?
She's a bit on the heavy side, she's having a drink and she has a nice smile.

Do you like she?
She's OK.
Do you like too have sex with she?
No she'd be a good friend.
What kind of sex?
Maybe casual, not serious.
How big bra need she?
A big one, not a fan of large tits, sorry.
What do you think about this woman?
She disgusts me.

Do you like she?

Do you like too have sex with she?

What kind of sex?
Female, of the family Trichechidae, genus Trichechus

How big bra need she?
She needs to use tarps that cover a baseball diamond per breast.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Now if she had a mint jullip in her hand then she would be down to fuck, but I'll pass.


Hiliary 2020
a few months ago I was pursued by a natural blonde, blue eyes........real pretty face woman who had a voice just like the wife from Family Guy.
But she was real big.
I couldn't, especially after being where I was for almost 5 years.
Its a shame such a pretty girl with a sexy voice let herself get so big.
What do you think about this woman?
She's a fat mess.

Do you like she?
No, fat people are disgusting, and I'm incredibly shallow.

Do you like too have sex with she?

What kind of sex?
The kind where you have sex with other people who aren't overweight.

How big bra need she?
A big one. She also needs tent awnings for clothes.

Side note: learn the difference between her and she.
