Note, this is not merely about "big breasts." I'm definitely not looking for round or "perfectly shaped" breasts from a modeling perspective. I'm talking about very big, hanging, soft and -- most importantly -- very floppy breasts.
Typically these are the breasts on a woman that is very, very mature. Rarely they can be found on younger women, and that is very welcome too. In a few other cases, they can be women who have very massive breasts that just hang down very low.
Key features include the fact that the entire breast loses shape. If they shift their body to the side, the entire breast goes, right up to the start, and straight down with gravity. If they cup their own breast, it literally "balls up" while the upper-part is still hanging. There is absolutely "no perk" to the breast. There seems to be little "mounding" on their own.
Some examples of such women are Desirae (younger and floppy):
And Bianca Bloom (oversized, massively hanging, virtually free-form):
I'm not talking about other women like Chloe Vevrier or even Petra Verkaik, two women who are well-aged now, but still have a bit of shape in their bust, a bit of retention of their form. I'm talking about breasts that really sag with virtually no inherit shape, but the shape of what is around them.
As my wife ages, I'm getting a massive re-fixation on having mammary intercourse (tit-fucking) such breasts. I've been anicipating her heading towards 40 as her breasts soften and hang as such. When I was 18-20, I had a number of late 30s/early 40s women of such soft, hanging, no-form breasts. And it was heaven!
It's not that I love to look at them, but they are a dream to have wrapped around your member, as well as overflowing your hands. The harder to hold and keep from flowing around your hands, the more I love them. And the softer around my member, the better too. And if you really don't like to look at them, having your lover put them in a bra, soft top, slingsuit or other clothing is a dream, especially if it "bundles them nicely" while still allowing your manhood good access (the softer the clothing, the better IMHO).
Anyone else?
Poll: Your thoughts on very big, hanging, soft and very floppy breasts are ...
- Only fat chicks have those, so I don't like them
- I want perky breasts, even if they are fake
- I don't like fake breasts, but I don't like floppy breasts either
- I don't mind floppy breasts, but I prefer them somewhat perky
- I love floppy breasts, although bundled, or a little perky while still as soft
- I love to cup, suck and tit-fuck floppy breasts every chance I get
Related Previous Thread/Poll: Fake and Real Breasts
Typically these are the breasts on a woman that is very, very mature. Rarely they can be found on younger women, and that is very welcome too. In a few other cases, they can be women who have very massive breasts that just hang down very low.
Key features include the fact that the entire breast loses shape. If they shift their body to the side, the entire breast goes, right up to the start, and straight down with gravity. If they cup their own breast, it literally "balls up" while the upper-part is still hanging. There is absolutely "no perk" to the breast. There seems to be little "mounding" on their own.
Some examples of such women are Desirae (younger and floppy):
And Bianca Bloom (oversized, massively hanging, virtually free-form):
I'm not talking about other women like Chloe Vevrier or even Petra Verkaik, two women who are well-aged now, but still have a bit of shape in their bust, a bit of retention of their form. I'm talking about breasts that really sag with virtually no inherit shape, but the shape of what is around them.
As my wife ages, I'm getting a massive re-fixation on having mammary intercourse (tit-fucking) such breasts. I've been anicipating her heading towards 40 as her breasts soften and hang as such. When I was 18-20, I had a number of late 30s/early 40s women of such soft, hanging, no-form breasts. And it was heaven!
It's not that I love to look at them, but they are a dream to have wrapped around your member, as well as overflowing your hands. The harder to hold and keep from flowing around your hands, the more I love them. And the softer around my member, the better too. And if you really don't like to look at them, having your lover put them in a bra, soft top, slingsuit or other clothing is a dream, especially if it "bundles them nicely" while still allowing your manhood good access (the softer the clothing, the better IMHO).
Anyone else?
Poll: Your thoughts on very big, hanging, soft and very floppy breasts are ...
- Only fat chicks have those, so I don't like them
- I want perky breasts, even if they are fake
- I don't like fake breasts, but I don't like floppy breasts either
- I don't mind floppy breasts, but I prefer them somewhat perky
- I love floppy breasts, although bundled, or a little perky while still as soft
- I love to cup, suck and tit-fuck floppy breasts every chance I get
Related Previous Thread/Poll: Fake and Real Breasts