vCard Option in Profiles Has Been Turned Off (read to find out more)


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
It has come to our attention that in the past, the vCard option on people's profiles was set to "on" by default when registering for an account. Due to the fact that some people didn't know what it was and left it checked (then got spam), we have unchecked this option for everyone. If you prefer to have this option on your user profile, then you will need to turn it back on yourself.

Some of You Might be wondering what vCard is. This is an "electronic" business card. By having this option turned on, your email address will be public to anyone that views your profile and clics on the "download vCard" link.


If you want this option available:

Go to Profile --> Control Panel (left side of your profile) --> Edit Options (3rd section in your contol panel) and click the "allow vCard download" box (3rd option)


If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them here!