Vast majority of americans won’t vote for a socialist, new poll finds

Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Australia...
All these countries are currently under social-democratic governments or had their social system shaped by social-democrat policies. And they all are on top of the happiest countries in the world, every single year.

Chavez and now Maduro are bolivarists. If you can't tell the difference between bolivarism and democratic-socialism, go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk


Staff member
Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Australia...
All these countries are currently under social-democratic governments or had their social system shaped by social-democrat policies. And they all are on top of the happiest countries in the world, every single year.

Chavez and now Maduro are bolivarists. If you can't tell the difference between bolivarism and democratic-socialism, go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk

Nobody gives a rat's ass about social democraties and neither do I . Sweden has the highest degree of rape from whole Europe and several no go zones linked to immigrants. Denmark, Norway and Finland also have no go zones due to immigrants problems
No way that you can't be happy living near radical islamists.I would rather live in a staunch conservative country with closed boarders and zero tolerance of illegal immigration policy.
Nobody gives a rat's ass about social democraties and neither do I . Sweden has the highest degree of rape from whole Europe and several no go zones linked to immigrants. Denmark, Norway and Finland also have no go zones due to immigrants problems
No way that you can't be happy living near radical islamists.I would rather live in a staunch conservative country with closed boarders and zero tolerance of illegal immigration policy.
Immigration policy and social systems are two different issues. You could very well have closed boarders and single-payer healthcare system.
Instead of mixing up everything, go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk


Staff member
Immigration policy and social systems are two different issues. You could very well have closed boarders and single-payer healthcare system.
Instead of mixing up everything, go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk

I don't mix up everything , so spare me the excuses. The fact is that bad and uncontrolled immigration policies often lead to bankrupt und failed healthcare system exist especially if hardworking citizens constantly pay for leech offs who never contributed to the country (like in France). You are sadly not a grown up, you backed up Hollande and Macron despite their insane programs, and you believed naively that everything would work for the better when it didn't and it won't. Unlike you, I don't take useless promises from granted and I don't idealize nor praise socialists or social democrats because they are absolute failures. Are Germany, Austria, Switzerland,Hungary, Czechoslovaquia, Poland, Croatia and Serbia social democraties? No, not as far as I know but they do well.
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