US film star Patrick Swayze dies

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
RIP Patrick Swayze. :bowdown::angels::bowdown::hatsoff:
He is just one of those personalities one can not imagine not being around or ever hearing from again.
and the world does feel empty with out him - not fair, way to young.
I still can't get over it. Might watch some of his films throughout the week. Crap, I forgot Point Break, I knew there was another of his!

He kicked ass in his movies, to say :D
While not the greatest actor ever he made a couple of good memorable roles in the movies he played in, and he seemed like a nice guy. It's sad to see him go.


Postal Paranoiac
Good guy all around. Loved him in Ghost. Rest In Peace.
Really nice chap also. I thought his appearance in The Beast was a good and welcome reprise of his career. RIP Swayze :angels:

What a roll call of deceased famous people - often in such a short time-span - we have witnessed over the last 3/4 months. Really strange.
I was never much of a fan of the movies he played in, but I've always liked the way he played Orry Main in the North & South miniseries.

May he rest in peace.


exactly now whos gonna fight the commies, get revenge after death, clean up a dive bar and dance all dirty like into the panties of a young stuck up jennifer grey?

I am almost as sad as when farrah fawcett died. Maybe even more since I enjoyed Patrick Swayze movies way more than charlies angels.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I heard that Kanye plans on attending the funeral and announcing that Swayze was not the most important death this year and that Michael Jackson's was more significant.