[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/friday said:Friday[/URL][/B] on my mind, post: 3584854, member: 44516"]Sounds like the old Cheech movie "Born in East L.A."
They should have checked his records better.Lot of hispanics have been here decades even centuries,presuming otherwise is dicriminatory.
Lot of hispanics have been here decades even centuries,presuming otherwise is dicriminatory.
Way to go homeland security, way to go. Way to discriminate a mentally ill, American-born citizen, whom birth records were completely ignored by US federal officals, which resulted in the poor guy being deported and imprisoned to Mexico.
Stay classy, Department of Homeland Security.
The 411.
They were here before us =)
Lot of hispanics have been here decades even centuries,presuming otherwise is dicriminatory.
They were here before us =)
You're absolutely right! I must have missed the part in my textbook where they talked about Mexican settlements in Indiana. Oh, that's right, there weren't any. The Native Americans were the first ones where I live. Results may vary depending on your location...
Yes but you must be a legal resident of the US in order to serve in the military of the US. They don't let just anyone in. Its much harder now to get in the service.
Nobody mentioned specific parts of America, but the Spanish settled both Mexico and the oldest established American City (St. Augustine, FL), and we weren't talking about who was first, just that Spanish where here before Europeans.