Upscaling your porn collection

Gigapixel AI from Topaz got even better and now Im getting even more detail than before in my older photos from the 2000s and early 2010s. It has gotten so much better that I have decided to re-upscale photos that I had already done on the previous version of Gigapixel AI. Its very user friendly but let me know if you guys want some tips on how to use it because the only trick is knowing when to use the auto function and when not to use it.
Are you thinking of getting the video version?
I've been randomly messing around with Topaz Video AI for a couple years now. It's a neat tool but I have trouble ignoring the typical "tells" of AI upscaled footage (thinking primarily of a waxy look). That's probably on me for not tweaking the settings enough, although I've noticed the same thing about upscales from other people.

I have a lot of DVDs that I've ripped and deinterlaced with QTGMC. Every time I try upscaling them I end up preferring the look of the non-upscaled version. I think I will always prefer a high quality source at its native resolution over an AI upscale.

I will say that it has the best motion interpolation that I've ever seen. I haven't noticed any motion related artifacts in any of the clips that I've tested.


Leave My Cubs Alone
There is a lot of Peter North material I would love to see something do some magic on.

Wonder if the time is here already.
Sometimes i guess if you got a trained eye but can you tell a difference between Full HD and 4k also whether it's true, or just upscaled. I feel if you put all side by side can't tell the difference?
I've just been using the free ones online to mess about with lil clips and pictures etc and i don't notice the difference. I also spotted 2 types one being normal upscale and the other AI upscale? Whats the difference and using this as a focus point example what looks more pleasing to the eye. Hope using Ava Addams helps do it justice etc

Normal Image (Still from a scene)


Normal Upscale


AI Upscale


Her body looks amazing and meaty but again in terms of 4k upscale quality what shows it off better :)
The photo upscale software is definitely worth the price (gigapixel AI) . If you have a lot of photos that are sub HD it will turn a bunch of pics into 4k within minutes with the click of a button. It will turn HD pics into 8K. Very user friendly. After purchase they allow you to have free upgrades for like a couple of years but then after that if you want the latest version you have to pay again. Ive done the trial version of the video upscaler but I havent purchased it yet but I do plan on getting it. The results on the video upscaler are pretty good though maybe not as jaw dropping as the photo upscaler results. Hopefully on the video upscaler they give you free upgrades for a longer period of time since it is more expensive than the photo upscaler. I recommend getting the trial version and see if you like it. Id recommend both GIGAPIXEL AI and VIDEO ENHANCE AI. Dont bother with SHARPEN AI or DENOISE AI. I have a lot of older sub HD photos from the mid 2000s that look pixelized on my 50 inch tv and upscaling them to 4k and 6k has been great.
@Tyrion Lannister Did you end up getting the yearly updates, or are they not worth it?
@Tyrion Lannister Did you end up getting the yearly updates, or are they not worth it?

The latest version I have is Gigapixel AI 6.3.3 . That is the same version I have had since May of 2023. I tried Gigapixel 7.0 which still seems to be latest version and I did not like it. I didnt notice any improvement in the upscaling and the rendering time for the photos seemed to be a lot longer for some reason. So I stuck with version 6.6.3. If there is a way for you to get version 6.3.3 I would get that. If Topaz only has the latest 7.0 version available for first time buyers like you, hopefully your system is good enough that the rendering time wont be long.

As for the video upscaler, I still have not gotten it yet, but this sale might convince me to pull the trigger. Thanks for the info on that. There has been a new major update on that recently, so hopefully it is even better. But I dont think the improvement is on the rendering time, which is what they really need to work on. Most people say that if you are only talking about the quality of the upscaling, Topaz Video AI is the best video upscaler. But for rendering time, other video upscalers are better.
The latest version I have is Gigapixel AI 6.3.3 . That is the same version I have had since May of 2023. I tried Gigapixel 7.0 which still seems to be latest version and I did not like it. I didnt notice any improvement in the upscaling and the rendering time for the photos seemed to be a lot longer for some reason. So I stuck with version 6.6.3. If there is a way for you to get version 6.3.3 I would get that. If Topaz only has the latest 7.0 version available for first time buyers like you, hopefully your system is good enough that the rendering time wont be long.

As for the video upscaler, I still have not gotten it yet, but this sale might convince me to pull the trigger. Thanks for the info on that. There has been a new major update on that recently, so hopefully it is even better. But I dont think the improvement is on the rendering time, which is what they really need to work on. Most people say that if you are only talking about the quality of the upscaling, Topaz Video AI is the best video upscaler. But for rendering time, other video upscalers are better.
Thanks for the info!
Can I ask what GPU are you using & do you find it's powerful enough?

The current benchmarks are based on a 4090 24GB, which is overkill for most people
Probably will eventually get it. I found a youtube channel with upscaled fitness videos using Topaz AI. Only it doesnt have the original videos for comparison. Still gives you some idea of how well it works.
I got the Black Friday package and playing around with Video AI this weekend. Pretty cool. Yes, some setting can give you that "waxy" look, but I've been learning to play around with the settings to keep it more natural looking. Clearing out the pixilation and increasing the framerates is definitely one of it's strong points. It's just that it still takes a while to render, and I'm just on classic 320p/480p videos from the 90s/00s. I'm a little scared to see how long actual HD source material is going to take....

I think a feature they should add to Topaz is "porn mode", where the AI learning/models are focused on recognizing & enhancing pussies, nipples, and other body parts which are what need the most attention. That would def drive a lot a sales.
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Ok, this is a time-intensive procedure.
You basically get best results by running each separate "filter", then re-running it on each completed file. For example, run a de-noiser filter, then sharpen it, then upscale it, etc... Just something basic as that takes 3 renders, each taking over an hour a minimum.

I found that it's best to cut out a 30 sec clip of your favourite scene & run the filters to make sure you have your recipe of filters, then commit to that with the full movie. It easily pulls 80%+ of the system resources and cranks the temperature up, so you're going to want to lay off using your PC for anything else while its running. So yeah, you really have to be picky as to which movie you want to dedicate this to.
Thanks for the info!
Can I ask what GPU are you using & do you find it's powerful enough?

The current benchmarks are based on a 4090 24GB, which is overkill for most people

Not sure what the GPU is but the CPU is 7400 at 3 GHz. 8 GB ram. It has been a while since I bought it. I got it at Walmart. I dont think it was quite their cheapest but I not their most expensive either. Definitely not above $500 and that is without a monitor.

Funny thing is when I got your message I was busy upscaling screen caps from my videos. The videos are 640X480 from the 2000s. The face correction is very hit-or-miss. Im starting to think it might be better to upscale the video first and then take screen caps from the upscaled video. But it will be a while before I can put down the money for the video upscaler. You have an interesting idea about using each filter individually. I might try that. Youre using the auto function on the denoising and sharpening right? Unless you're a professional getting paid for this I would receommend that. I would not receommend letting the computer pick which type of upscaling model to use, but you should let it pick how much denoising and sharpening to use.
"Not sure what the GPU is but the CPU is 7400 at 3 GHz. 8 GB ram. It has been a while since I bought it. I got it at Walmart. I dont think it was quite their cheapest but I not their most expensive either. Definitely not above $500 and that is without a monitor."

GPU - graphics processing unit. If you paid < $500, AND only have 8GB of RAM - you likely have an integrated GPU on the motherboard.

Your current PC will take FOREVER to do anything.
I'm on RTX 4070 w/12 GB of VRAM and a i7-14700K with overclocking. I've maximized my settings for Video AI, and it pushes the system past 80% capacity and the heat out the back enough to warm up my dinner.

You can check what your video processor is under settings. As Pornfan said, Topaz would not work on an integrated GPU.
AI is probably the future of pornography just like it is with legitimate forms of entertainment. I remember CGI in the 1990s being obvious and laughable but much of it looks pretty good now. If you are a fella who is an executive in the pornography industry your biggest pain in the butt may be the pornstars. Who needs them if you can make them yourself? You don't have to pay them anymore or listen to them ever again. The AI stuff posted on the board looks pretty decent and we're in the earlier stages of AI Pornography too. Good luck with the artificial intelligence replacing the ladies with little or no intelligence.

Here's a quick example of Topaz's side-by-side feature. This is just a preview of a very zoomed-in frame, and you can see how the upscale to HDR helps the contrast and lighting, as well as the AI adding the details for the ass and pussy. On top of which, this was 30fps and I upscaled it to 90fps, so it's so much smoother. And this is just using the detail recovery at 20%. You can play around with the settings and get much better results.
(This link will probably expire in a week, so check it out while you can)


Topaz has a new video AI model called starlight which is so powerful it can't be run on normal personal computers. Even rendering just 10 seconds on those sever-level GPUs takes anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.

They are giving free test renders to those with a valid license. It's pretty good, but aside from the time it takes, if you want a decent length clip, it's going to cost you.