Updates from the Female Wrestling Channel (femalewrestlingchannel.com)


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Check out UWW Wrestling:

The UWW Wrestling section has been updated on our site.

The company features primarily scripted in ring female vs female matches, but has 1 or 2 fully competitive matches listed as well.

Give them a strong look if you enjoy this genre of content!



Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
If you would like 7 Free Downloads to get an idea of the substance and style of our Women's Wrestling, send us a super quick message from the following page from the email address you want to use:

Once joined, you will get the downloads daily over the next week.


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Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner

A true blast from the past!

And best of all, they are still going after all these long years.

For newer fans that might not be familiar...

Seaking's Femfight is a website archiving many years worth of female fighting photos and stories, going back to the early days of the internet and still updating with new galleries.

The founder, Seaking himself, was a true OG of the community, helping connect fans and studios with each other in various ways, across decades of changing technologies (newsgroups,yahoo, IRC, web forums, etc), before the days of modern social media.

Sadly, Seaking passed away in 2023.

He is very much missed by his friends, who remember him fondly as very kind and helpful.

The site is now run by his friend Felicia, who aims to keep Seaking's work going as a historical archive site, and one of the last active female fighting TGPs.

I implore you to give them a visit!

-- Ringo --