Unknown (german) Sport Clips blonde girl with stripper


Party Hardcore

I'm searching for the name of this cute lady.
She was on german tv (I think it is called DSF or Sport1)
She and some other ladies got a male stripper...

here are some pics of her

thank you very much !!! :nanner:


Party Hardcore
damn... i hoped that they will be some amateur hc or sc actresses :(
but thanks for the info. maybe someone knows who she is


Party Hardcore
ok, thanks. so she seems to be more than a "one scene girl" ;)
"birthday party" was also sexy sport clips ?
does sexy sport girls have a website or anything like that ?
Not so sure. She seems familiar to me. I used to moderate on a board where there was a very big thread to the dsf stuff and many of them were very well know East Europeans.