

this picture makes none.


  • unexplainable_picture.jpg
    73.5 KB · Views: 265
When I first saw that 1st picture, just thinking about it made me burst out laughing on the bus. Which in turn made those around me think I was psychotic ..... probably ;)
The UPS driver managed to deliver the kid's graduation present but in giving him the wrong parcel meant for some granny's retirement home warming present, he and his friends became very hostile and rushed the truck. Damn it, he was supposed to get a guitar and the driver was unfortunate on this day. Still had to pose for a happy photo on this his biggest day nothing will ruin...except the tasering and cuffing the cops will soon unleash


Lost at Birth
great shit-eating grin on the sewing machine handler .... as if he's thinking "no one is going to know what the fuck this picture is all about"


Is somewhere outhere.
The second picture is what tannng salons used to look like before
they invented sunbeds ;) Although the Russians may still use this
technique :D


Closed Account
the frist pic is some kid at his prom and a ups driver back his truck so up that it went down a hill. the three cops must think he is a toal dumbass wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!