
Over the past 5 years I have had only 3 months of work and spent the rest of that time looking for a job. Sometimes I think I have wasted 5 years of my life and in some ways way behind on what my life should be by now but I see things in a positive way, I will get a job eventually. If I didn't have a girlfriend, being close with my friends and family then I will probably be depressed. For a time I did think about becoming a male escort cause there has been a huge increase over the past few years of women paying men for sex but I will only do it if I don't get a job. If anyone wants proof that women do pay men for sex then here is a link I have found, there are few others as well I think.


Wow, people get pissed if a man pays a woman for sex but if it's the other way round then it's a different story.:1orglaugh
Don't throw away old shoes before you have new ones.

Aka you shouldn't have quit your job before you had something else. No matter how shitty it was imo.
I recently quit my job too as well. I have another opportunity lined up though. Better most likely as well.

Maybe you're too picky about the type of job you want. If I didn't have skills I would take job at restaurant or such. Good luck.


last place i worked was a total shitshole i cant do that anymore!!

So shithole jobs aren't good enough for you, but you hate being unemployed? Fuck, beggars can't be chosers. Take whatever you can get.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Go to an interview and tell people you work hard. See if you get the job.

I got my last job without even showing them my resume. It actually works a lot better than you think.

Not a whole lot of places honestly give a fuck about what school you went to. They just care if you can do the job or not.
after my temp jobbed ended, I have found it increasingly hard to find a job. Right now it sux. Everyone is letting people go. It is a terrible time to by unemployed. :(


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
So you are going to quit working (part time) to get the unemployment? And, you have EPIC amounts of free time............enough time to play video games all day.

So you will be wasting my tax money (through unemployment) because you would rather sit around and play video games.

This kind of laziness drives me crazy. DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE WITH YOUR TIME! Since you have all of this free time, why aren't you doing things to make yourself better so that you can get a better job? You can even teach yourself. Libraries are a great resource.

Learn a skill (other than video games) or get an education so that employers will want you.

1: Not your tax money. Dont take it personally.
2: There are simply no jobs to be had. I see more qualified, experienced people coming into *MY* damn job all the time.. more and more.. asking if WE'RE hiring. Scary.
3: Want to play video games? No. Want to pass the time? Yes. Better myself? Reading a book doesnt pay for community college.
Have you tried temp agencies?

I have been screwed over by temp agencies and subjected to underhanded things by them more than any other jobs I have ever worked, and that's saying something. I don't know about anywhere else but where I'm at they are absolutely completely untrustworthy and exploit people. I also don't even know anybody that has eventually got a decent job working out of them in over 15 years now.

As far as people that are in this country and don't think it's that hard to go out and get another job or finance an education come where I'm at and I will trade you places. I bet that attitude would change quickly. Even McDonalds has a sizeable waiting list where I'm at and forty and fifty year old former factory workers are working grocery store jobs that teenagers used to do after school if they can even get them, which a lot of them can't. Usually people that think the ones that don't have decent jobs are because of their own fault are either the people that usually don't know what hell they are talking about, people that like to stereotype because it allows them to have a dumb ideology that's false but yet gives them a excuse to blindly hold onto to justify it, or that think they can apply one limited set of circumstances to everything that might have somehow worked for one person who got lucky or was at least somewhat fortunate, which almost never works for everybody else in the real world.
I am also trying to find a job. Nothing big just something while I am going to school.

So far I have had no luck. I am just looking for something at a retail store to cashier or something...still nothing.


what the fuck you lookin at?
last place i worked was a total shitshole i cant do that anymore!! those places make me feel worst about myshelf working them thanks.

Yea, I feel your pain bro. I work in one of those type of jobs now. Fuckin hate it! I feel like a fuckin slave at the end of the week. But I can't find a new place to work. No one is hiring!


Closed Account
im still in college and i made it through high school. i can honestly say that my high school made us all believe that we would find the job we want right out of school. im sadly seeing that is not true untill i have a degree in what i wanna do. i love music and moives but cant find a part time job that incorperates that. i would also be happy with a job were i chould pack stock and ship and organize things and leave but im having hard time finding that.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
im still in college and i made it through high school. i can honestly say that my high school made us all believe that we would find the job we want right out of school. im sadly seeing that is not true untill i have a degree in what i wanna do. i love music and moives but cant find a part time job that incorperates that. i would also be happy with a job were i chould pack stock and ship and organize things and leave but im having hard time finding that.

We all bought into the American dream. It doesnt exist. Jobs are hard to find. Degrees? I have certifications, licenses... it's all bullshit. A degree gets your foot in the door. The door? Not worth getting into. A four year IT degree lands you a job at comcast installing cable. Four years later? Move up to the highest level of tech support. Four years later? Unemployed because they pay you too much money and they can make do without a few extra people.

It just.. DOESNT pay to be educated. Honestly.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
We all bought into the American dream. It doesnt exist. Jobs are hard to find. Degrees? I have certifications, licenses... it's all bullshit. A degree gets your foot in the door. The door? Not worth getting into. A four year IT degree lands you a job at comcast installing cable. Four years later? Move up to the highest level of tech support. Four years later? Unemployed because they pay you too much money and they can make do without a few extra people.

It just.. DOESNT pay to be educated. Honestly.

A degree says "I was willing to go to school so I could learn to do this job". What it doesn't say is "I am good at this job".

Employers don't want somebody who isn't good at what they do. Degrees are the most over-rated status symbol in the United States.

I have a Masters Degree in Business Finance from Harvard.
Oh yeah? Where do you work?
Well...right now, I work for Auntie Anne's.
Oh cool. Are you like their CFO or something?
Umm, not exactly.
Well, what is it that you do for them?
I uh...I sell pretzels.
Oh, to like big corporations and stuff?
No...to high school girls at the mall.

3.8 GPA at it's finest.
I took the opportunity to leave my last employer with a financial package behind me. I then financed myself through a management course at college. Before I left my last employer, I came up with a web based idea, that both my employer and several other companies said is a great idea, and would not only help employers, but help every employee of any company.
I spent money developing the website, travelling around meeting different employers. All said it was a great idea, but then things went "tits up" with the economy, and none of them would pay for the service it provided.
So I opened my site up for free, so anyone can use the benefits it could have, and just hope it takes off.
Money is tight now, I am looking for employment. I have applied for several jobs, but so far I have had no luck.
Good luck to anyone who is out of work at the moment.


Is somewhere outhere.
I got layed off from from an electronics giant after 8 years - on August.Then I got lucky on November - where I've been working ever since.I think when you're out of work,you have to take what comes along,even if it's not in your line of expertise.At the end of the day a job is a job,especially when there are a lack of jobs to find.

Maybe things will get better within a year or two.But until then you just have to with what you can get ;)