I've been unemployed for a while now. I was in panic, but decided tonight to fight resist that. I believe I won.
1) Positive - got to think "I WILL FIND A JOB."
2) Rethink your skills.
3) Ask yourself what you want to do. Give it time, the answer will come.
4) Be prepared to do what you don't want, but keep your eye on the goal.
5) Cover letter, cover letter, cover letter, cover letter...
........sucks, I know. Employers have 1500 to 2000 C.V.'s per application. Your cover letter will stand out. For example: Janitor - well, you need a job, besides, it's an honourable one, where would big business be without a decent janitor. So, they ask you for 3 references and your resume. Write a cover letter in your email and or fax. Put IN THE FIRST LINE that you have x amount of months/years cleaning, where you used cleaning materials. (Even if you cleaned your bathroom, WHATEVER, they don't have to know.
OR, customer service, you have 1 or so many years experience in front line public profile customer attendance or service. PUSH the ACTUAL skill in the first line of your cover letter. Google cover letters. Spend an hour drawing it up until it becomes easier. Even if your tore up ticket stubs at the local cinema. You got the job in the first place 'cos the manager saw something in you. Dig?
You'd think I would be employed....
I worked one day today. They said to call in. You know what I realised for the first time really clearly, what became abundantly clear? Is that all the regulars are Asian, Russian, Latino or Black. I was the only White guy.
The rest were women.
Then again, this is Portland, Oregon.
It just means there will be, there is, something better.
I recently had my email taken over by some prick. I had to begin all over again. Then, my keyboard died. Now US Bank want me dead. (I owed them $9.99, which now is $500. I am "delinquent." I am going to fight it because when I wanted to deposit the ATM was down. I went to another branch which may be promising. I was incredibly down and anxious, more so that I think I have been in many a year, if not ever.
However, a Chinese woman got on the bus tonight. Maybe it was my imagination, but the most wonderful positive thought came into my head. I grasped that, and have held onto it since. Maybe she is enlightened or something. People like that help immensely.
DON'T PANIC, think.
Oh, and when I am employed, I am going to expose USBank to the world on YouTube. They will be sorry they ever opened their doors, much less crossed me.
The bullies.