

Closed Account
is anyone else on here having a hard time finding a job? i need some new ideas!! i need to find a decent one asap. :mad: im at my wit's end and im still liveing at home but have been out of work for five and half months please help!!:confused: last place i worked was a total shitshole i cant do that anymore!! those places make me feel worst about myshelf working them thanks.
Go gay for pay.


I'm unemployed until Saturday...
Sadly, I've left my former employer over a matter of respect; it seems I'll be making more money working for a better company. I will surely get even more arrogant and expect decent treatment wherever I work now.
Metal Head, what education or skills do you have?

For those that have no education or no skills, I have no sympathy if you can't find a job. If you have nothing to offer, then employers aren't going to want you.

For those that have an education or trade, I wish you the best. I know times are tough.
For those that have no education or no skills, I have no sympathy if you can't find a job.

Yes, because we all know it's always the person own fault if they never had an opportunity to get that, or that any hard work they are willing to do besides that is completely worthless. :rolleyes:

Let me guess, your one of those people that things it’s everybody’s own fault they are poor also.
Yes, because we all know it's always the person own fault if they never had an opportunity to get that, or that any hard work they are willing to do besides that is completely worthless. :rolleyes:

Let me guess, your one of those people that things it’s everybody’s own fault they are poor also.

Go to an interview and tell people you work hard. See if you get the job.

And to the OP. Learn a second language. Employers don't turn people down with that on their resume.
Yes, because we all know it's always the person own fault if they never had an opportunity to get that, or that any hard work they are willing to do besides that is completely worthless. :rolleyes:

Let me guess, your one of those people that things it’s everybody’s own fault they are poor also.
There is always an excuse NOT to do something. Learning a skill or getting an education requires efforts which many people simply aren't willing to make. So, they make excuses such as "lack of opportunity." Opportunity isn't always easy. It's doesn't find you. You have to seek and find the opportunities.

Now if someone has a limitation, such a physical issue or mental retardation, that's different. You can't blame these individuals for their limitations.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
There's jobs where I live, but most of them don't have benefits and those that do, you'd have to pay an arm and a leg to get them. I'm rejoining the Army in a few weeks. I'd rather do that instead of scratching my head wondering how much my next check will be. At least in the Army there's steady pay and free benefits.
Have you tried temp agencies? I was forced to go that route recently, and they may not be able to find you an awesome permanent position, but there are some great 6+ month opportunities available, especially if you're willing to do physical warehouse work. You shouldn't have much trouble finding really flexible schedules either to meet your schooling needs. That kind of work is pretty fun anyway, and generally pays pretty damn well for the work you do. It's no 100K/year job or anything, but it should be able to help you more than just get by.
Look to for jobs in a hospital and make working in a hospital your ultimate career goal. You don't have to be a doctor. Hospitals need all sorts of people. They need people to manage/inventory supplies, document management....
I was facing redundancy toward the end of last year, I was fortunate enough to find another job.
The job I got was/is supposed to be just 3 days a week, but instead I have been working 4/5/6 days a week..
Try going through an agency, they will do some of the job searching for you.
Another thing, don't think that any job is beneath you... I am currently working in waste recycling.
It's not exactly a dream job, but there will always be waste, so there will (I hope) always be a job.


Closed Account
I've been unemployed for a while now. I was in panic, but decided tonight to fight resist that. I believe I won.
1) Positive - got to think "I WILL FIND A JOB."
2) Rethink your skills.
3) Ask yourself what you want to do. Give it time, the answer will come.
4) Be prepared to do what you don't want, but keep your eye on the goal.
5) Cover letter, cover letter, cover letter, cover letter...
........sucks, I know. Employers have 1500 to 2000 C.V.'s per application. Your cover letter will stand out. For example: Janitor - well, you need a job, besides, it's an honourable one, where would big business be without a decent janitor. So, they ask you for 3 references and your resume. Write a cover letter in your email and or fax. Put IN THE FIRST LINE that you have x amount of months/years cleaning, where you used cleaning materials. (Even if you cleaned your bathroom, WHATEVER, they don't have to know.
OR, customer service, you have 1 or so many years experience in front line public profile customer attendance or service. PUSH the ACTUAL skill in the first line of your cover letter. Google cover letters. Spend an hour drawing it up until it becomes easier. Even if your tore up ticket stubs at the local cinema. You got the job in the first place 'cos the manager saw something in you. Dig?

You'd think I would be employed....

I worked one day today. They said to call in. You know what I realised for the first time really clearly, what became abundantly clear? Is that all the regulars are Asian, Russian, Latino or Black. I was the only White guy.
The rest were women.
Then again, this is Portland, Oregon.

It just means there will be, there is, something better.

I recently had my email taken over by some prick. I had to begin all over again. Then, my keyboard died. Now US Bank want me dead. (I owed them $9.99, which now is $500. I am "delinquent." I am going to fight it because when I wanted to deposit the ATM was down. I went to another branch which may be promising. I was incredibly down and anxious, more so that I think I have been in many a year, if not ever.

However, a Chinese woman got on the bus tonight. Maybe it was my imagination, but the most wonderful positive thought came into my head. I grasped that, and have held onto it since. Maybe she is enlightened or something. People like that help immensely.

DON'T PANIC, think.

Oh, and when I am employed, I am going to expose USBank to the world on YouTube. They will be sorry they ever opened their doors, much less crossed me.

The bullies.
There is always an excuse NOT to do something. Learning a skill or getting an education requires efforts which many people simply aren't willing to make. So, they make excuses such as "lack of opportunity." Opportunity isn't always easy. It's doesn't find you. You have to seek and find the opportunities.

Now if someone has a limitation, such a physical issue or mental retardation, that's different. You can't blame these individuals for their limitations.

Harsh but i do agree with you. People seem to think things are handed to them without effort. If you really want a job you will get a job but you really have to want it even if its the worse job in the world.

I know a guy that lives on welfare and he wont work for the extra 100 euro he would get. Simply cause he gets paid for doing nothing, i hate this kind of attitude.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Harsh but i do agree with you. People seem to think things are handed to them without effort. If you really want a job you will get a job but you really have to want it even if its the worse job in the world.

I know a guy that lives on welfare and he wont work for the extra 100 euro he would get. Simply cause he gets paid for doing nothing, i hate this kind of attitude.

I wish it were that simple. This month if I dont get my fulltime hours back, I'm going to ask to be 'let go' so I can get unemployment. I just cant make it on the barely-part-time bullshit they're handing me. I've had so much free time I beat fallout 3 twice in 4 days. That's like.. EPIC amounts of free time. What the hell?! I like working, I work hard, I notify management about things that arent getting done correctly.. and.. and.. nothing. Gonna have to start going all Tonya Harding on some kneecaps to get my hours back, I guess! ::WHACK!:: Go get workman's comp, bitches!
For those that have no education or no skills, I have no sympathy if you can't find a job. If you have nothing to offer, then employers aren't going to want you.

For those that have an education or trade, I wish you the best. I know times are tough.

There is always an excuse NOT to do something. Learning a skill or getting an education requires efforts which many people simply aren't willing to make. So, they make excuses such as "lack of opportunity." Opportunity isn't always easy. It's doesn't find you. You have to seek and find the opportunities.

Now if someone has a limitation, such a physical issue or mental retardation, that's different. You can't blame these individuals for their limitations.

Harsh but i do agree with you. People seem to think things are handed to them without effort. If you really want a job you will get a job but you really have to want it even if its the worse job in the world.

I know a guy that lives on welfare and he wont work for the extra 100 euro he would get. Simply cause he gets paid for doing nothing, i hate this kind of attitude.

The other thing is I don't think people understand (or try to understand) how to take advantage of the opportunities that are available. There are many ways to learn a skill or get an education.

Rather than learning how to finance an education, they say "I can't afford college" or "I can't afford trade school" and just give up.

Well guess what? I couldn't afford college. But it didn't stop me from completing 8 years of college. Educational/ college loans and grants are generally easy to obtain and they will be the best investment you can ever make..........an investment in YOURSELF!

Now I find myself with $150,000 in educational debt but it doesn't matter. I have enough income to easily cover my payments. I would never have this kind of income without the education.

Again, employers (of good jobs/careers) will only want you if you have the education or skills to make you valuable to their company.
I'm going to ask to be 'let go' so I can get unemployment. I just cant make it on the barely-part-time bullshit they're handing me. I've had so much free time I beat fallout 3 twice in 4 days. That's like.. EPIC amounts of free time. What the hell?!

So you are going to quit working (part time) to get the unemployment? And, you have EPIC amounts of free time............enough time to play video games all day.

So you will be wasting my tax money (through unemployment) because you would rather sit around and play video games.

This kind of laziness drives me crazy. DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE WITH YOUR TIME! Since you have all of this free time, why aren't you doing things to make yourself better so that you can get a better job? You can even teach yourself. Libraries are a great resource.

Learn a skill (other than video games) or get an education so that employers will want you.