what a coincidence... just a few days ago I read some kinda direction of how you should act in case of nuclear alarm. Of course I heard about it long time ago, but when you read things like that, you start to imagine different things, and there were a lot of awful realistic details of how the city would be destroyed, how concrete would be melted; detailed descriprion of the unclear blow sequence: the speed of optical wave, than burst wave, than reversed wave... and much more.. size of the area where everything will be destroyed completely: everything would be flat, no dirt, no grass, no mud, no microorganisms - the whole area will be covered with vitreous glass-like surface.
The "instruction" begins with the description of alerting: there would be only about 2 minutes from the "nuclear war alarm" (the moment of the missile detection) signal and the blow itself. Imagine it - no time to escape, that 2 minutes would be the most fucked up in your life. When you know that the end is near, and can't do anything to stop it. Than it was an instruction for the police, subway etc. I was reading that basic rules and recommendations of how to behave, where to hide and how to protect yourself, but at the end it was written that with modern powerful missiles even highly protected government bunkers would be destroyed (what are they created for? just in hope for missile malfunction of that the blow would not happen in full yield....) The same is with subway. And even suburbs of such large metropolises like NY, Moscow etc would be destroyed. That bombs in Hiroshima were many times less powerful than modern ones... And it is really scary to imagine the whole fucking large city to be totally annihilated, with all the buildings, all districts, all the parks, trees, lakes, and all the people! 20 million people with one missile. And keep in mind, that it never be one and only launch. They would all start flying like a crazy shit. I hate it. I did not want to start a thread about nuclear war, but when I saw that topic it all just splashed out.
Nuclear weapon is a really awful thing. It is scary just to think that all that shit is stored somewhere, and all that missilies are ready for action... It is like a death itself sitting in the room next to yours.