Thank you for clearing that up for me, Connor. I haven't been active here for some time and was fuzzy on the rules.
In future, I'll avoid links to that particular domain and to any search instructions.
I'm not sure why that site is banned, but that's not for me to question -- I'll certainly follow the forum's rules and the moderators' decisions.
Here are some reasons why sites are banned:
Site hosts filesharing services
Site hosts pirated (stolen) content
Site hosts malware/adware/ransomware/viruses/pop-up’s/re-directs
Site hosts hate speech (race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.)
Site hosts celebrity fakes (pics/videos) – (potential liability issues)
Site hosts information on how to commit illegal activities (cybercrime, torrenting, bomb making, etc.)
Site hosts illegal material (incest, child porn, beastiality, necrophilia, etc.) – (even simulated acts are forbidden)
Site hosts offensive/exploitive material (scat porn, pics/videos of people suffering any type of physical harm)
Spam: affiliate links, pay-per-click links
Spam: comment spamming, trackback, phishing, data-mining, etc.
Spam: site confirmed as a web attacker (DDOS, Negative SEO, etc.)
Spam: site requires users to create an account before viewing any content
Spam: trying to sell any product or service -- (Does not apply to ACO’s/OCSM’s)
Spam: members promoting their own website(s) – (Does not apply to ACO’s/OCSM’s)
other reasons...