UN document would give 'Mother Earth' same rights as humans


Closed Account
UNITED NATIONS — Bolivia will this month table a draft United Nations treaty giving "Mother Earth" the same rights as humans — having just passed a domestic law that does the same for bugs, trees and all other natural things in the South American country.

The bid aims to have the UN recognize the Earth as a living entity that humans have sought to "dominate and exploit" — to the point that the "well-being and existence of many beings" is now threatened.

The wording may yet evolve, but the general structure is meant to mirror Bolivia's Law of the Rights of Mother Earth, which Bolivian President Evo Morales enacted in January.

That document speaks of the country's natural resources as "blessings," and grants the Earth a series of specific rights that include rights to life, water and clean air; the right to repair livelihoods affected by human activities; and the right to be free from pollution.

It also establishes a Ministry of Mother Earth, and provides the planet with an ombudsman whose job is to hear nature's complaints as voiced by activist and other groups, including the state.



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
This law should be worldwide.
The pebble that starts the avalanche....Perhaps not we will only implement this across the board when its too late....Thank fuck I'll be dead before it gets truly nasty meh. The coming generations are ass shafted.

Will E Worm

That document speaks of the country's natural resources as "blessings," and grants the Earth a series of specific rights that include rights to life, water and clean air; the right to repair livelihoods affected by human activities; and the right to be free from pollution.

There will always be pollution.

This is nothing more than an environmentalists dream. They are trying to force their beliefs on all of us.

This is another reason why the UN is no good and should be dissolved.
Always be pollution? Are you saying man hasn't the potential to create better technology....I'll tell you a concrete fact....Man can build amazing things that last and don't break for a long time they don't due to capitalism....You see this evident in your military technology where you got aircraft carriers with reactors that have operational life spans of 25 years....Man could further increase recycling.

If man wants to pretend he isn't a monkey he needs to over come his debased nature.....He needs to conquer his nature or it will be his undoing.....Disgusting for a sentient animal capable of incredible thought, even more so as he is fucking aware.

I know its ironic posting it on a porn forum...

PS> Socialism isn't the answer.....Raw naked capitalism will destroy us though.....Man needs to find a third way before its too late
Will E Worm said:
They are trying to force their beliefs on all of us.

The belief that mankind should be taking care of the planet instead raping it? The belief mankind should be making it a better place for the children? Oh yeah, that's bad! How dare those evil Bolivians try to make it a better place!

Will E Worm

The belief that mankind should be taking care of the planet instead raping it? The belief mankind should be making it a better place for the children? Oh yeah, that's bad! How dare those evil Bolivians try to make it a better place!

Forcing people to do things never works.

Okay, I see that you believe forcing beliefs on other is a great thing.

I expect to see you start reading the Bible and going to church next week. :D

What? It's only fair. :yesyes:
Oh man here we go with the wacky "Greens" again. Get a life people. Simply wait 100,000 years when humanity is gone, the planet will be fine.
That sucks balls why accept such a fate.....We should dust this make or break decade....Improve our technology without raping the planet and then walk out among the stars like giants.


Closed Account
We could all cap our assholes to stop farting.

6 billion people can do a lot of bad shit to the environment..We need to cut that down to 300 million stat!Anyone up for a nuclear war?
How many counts of rape would that be since we've now been drilling her for centuries without her consent?:nannerf2::dunno:


Closed Account
Kind of funny since Mother Earth's been fucking us for a longer period of time..Let's see..Earthquakes,volcanoes, plagues, droughts, and what else?
That's messed up. I don't think we should destroy the earth but to give it the same rights as me is insane. I don't go out of my way to ruin her I recycle and do my best to use her resourses responsibly and many should but her trees make us houses Where do these people want us to live are they saying we should go back to a time we didn't have fire and lived in a cave??? That is where that logic seems to always lead.
Kind of funny since Mother Earth's been fucking us for a longer period of time..Let's see..Earthquakes,volcanoes, plagues, droughts, and what else?

Failing to move out of the way before asteroid strikes. Not heading closer towards the sun during the big freeze that brought on the Big Dying. Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis.

Mother Nature is brutal and heartless and we exist despite it, not the other way around.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
This is another reason why the UN is no good and should be dissolved.
The failure of the League of Nations (the predecessor of the UN) was one of the main causes of World War II. The US is already playing sheriff to the world and dissolving the UN would just make it worse.

Always be pollution? Are you saying man hasn't the potential to create better technology....I'll tell you a concrete fact....Man can build amazing things that last and don't break for a long time they don't due to capitalism....You see this evident in your military technology where you got aircraft carriers with reactors that have operational life spans of 25 years....Man could further increase recycling.

If man wants to pretend he isn't a monkey he needs to over come his debased nature.....He needs to conquer his nature or it will be his undoing.....Disgusting for a sentient animal capable of incredible thought, even more so as he is fucking aware.

I know its ironic posting it on a porn forum...

PS> Socialism isn't the answer.....Raw naked capitalism will destroy us though.....Man needs to find a third way before its too late

New technologies themselves create pollution. The solution is trying to find viable ways to deal with the pollution.

As for nuclear technologies, it's great so long as there isn't an accident (Chernobyl, Japan) and storing nuclear waste is problematic as well.

As for Socialism, in concept, it's the ideal type of government, but would never work, because too many people would look for ways to use it for their own corrupt agenda(s).
Never once has she said, "no" as we began to drill. I find it shameful that some people use the term "rape" so recklessly.

:nono: The 'victim' must also have the ability to consent. 'Mother Earth' clearly does not.:tongue:

(PS. Can we bring charges against her for kicking our asses periodically too? She kicked a whole lotta ass when she gave birth to that bitch Katrina...:cussing:)
As for nuclear technologies, it's great so long as there isn't an accident (Chernobyl, Japan) and storing nuclear waste is problematic as well.

There vast area surrounding Chernobyl is a natural utopia spreading for kilometers. There are even organized tours into the wilderness despite radiation levels. It has become a thing to behold...not because humans irradiated it, but because they left it alone for decades.

The same thing will happen in Japan. In twenty years, there will be a northern Aokigihara Jukai. We needs to start being honest and stop pretending that we're worried about how nature will respond to us. Nature will be fine...nature will thrive in our absence no matter what the cause.