U.S. Homeland Security Official Arrested for Importuning a Child in Police Sting

what an idiot :1orglaugh "and he told her who he was and that he worked for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security," according to a statement from the sheriff's office".

i bet the cops were shocked!
I once met a person who claimed to be 12 years old at a regular internet movie website IMBD. He(She ?) insisted to be 12 years old but his(her ?) taste of movies clearly showed adult taste.

One week passed and he(she?) started to talk dirty about human anatomy even mentioned penis and other anatomic organs as a 12 years old. I cut off all internet connection and reported this to the Moderator of that site.

So you never know who you talked to even in a very popular movie site !

Be very careful nowaday !
Yep... sure makes you feel safer as a US citizen knowing guys like this are in charge of "Homeland Security".

There was a famous quote once... "We have met the enemy and it is us"... or something like that.
No offense, but Clinton's staffers always took the cake. And no, I'm not talking about Monica either. I'm talking about his original staffers. First week, over 50% failed FBI background checks because they were actively using hardcore drugs (not just weed, but much harder stuff). Clinton's 2nd act in office was "Gays in the Military" because the 1st act was to suspend hardcore drug tests for 30 days on incoming staffers.

As I always said, I never minded the Clintons too much, but the trash they dragged into the White House with them. They did clean some house by 1994 though. I think Whitewater and related scandals forced them too.

So have fun picking on Bush's staff, but just remember there are far worse administrations in this regard.


Member, you member...
Obtained Doyle conversation with teenage girl:

Doyle - Hey, dude, what's crackalackin'?
Teen - Hey, dude, wassup?
Doyle - You wanna see my HomieLand badge?
Teen - Like, sure dude.
Dolye - Here's a pic, celly number, office number; call whenever so we can hook up.
Teen - Thanks for the Spring Thomas double vag scene it was way hot and you are way busted.


Closed Account
If only there was a governmental department dedicated to protecting matters at home.
I'm sick of these frekkin idiots living off my taxes. Put him against a wall and shoot him.

Oh well, so much for my pacifist tendencies.
4G63 said:
If only there was a governmental department dedicated to protecting matters at home.
The problem with government is the fact that they have power.
People complaint the wealthy do as well, but as much as they may influence laws, they don't make and enforce them.
That's why increase government size only results in the transition of power from the wealthy to the public official.

That's why government should be as small as possible.
The only "good government" is one that is small enough that it helps keep a balance.
Otherwise there's way too many people who just have government jobs, and not a purpose.

And they have power in those roles.
Far more than anyone in private industry can.

"Friends and former co-workers say Doyle was disciplined by Time magazine after he allegedly used company computers to view adult pornography in the publication's Washington bureau office.

Time magazine and CNN are both owned by Time Warner.

Time began an investigation after an employee in the bureau complained after finding offensive photographs on her computer, sources said. The photos, which were not of juveniles, were traced to Doyle. The complaint was dropped after Doyle's colleagues signed a petition of support, the sources said.

Doyle received a formal warning and was required to undergo mental health counseling before returning to work, the sources said."

Okay, this is just bad!

Nightfly said:
"Friends and former co-workers say Doyle was disciplined by Time magazine after he allegedly used company computers to view adult pornography in the publication's Washington bureau office.
Okay, now you've got my interest!
This was already on this guy's record!
If the Department of Homeland Security isn't fucking checking people's backgrounds, then what the fucking good is it?

I've been through several DoD and SEC background checks just for private sector work.
It's already bad enough that we get some seriously "shady" characters in Congress that are giving intel because of their elected position but would never pass a background check normally, let alone the staff they bring in with them (my favorite example is always Clinton, although he finally did "clean house" a few years into his administration).

But now we have some of the most empowered public servants in this new department.
And they aren't even bothering to check people with prior stuff like this?
W. needs to immediate fire off an executive order to do full background checks on all public servants working for the Department of Homeland Security.

This has been one of my biggest fears all along!
We worry about Joe citizen while empowering people who shouldn't be who are the real threat!.
It's not Joe citizen who needs his life scrutinized, it's those public servants who have priviledged access to such intel!

Okay, now I'm pissed off!
Clinton did it with the various incidents of Chinagate (Sandia, Loral, etc...) during his administration, and now W.'s doing it with the lax security in Department of Homeland Security.
Especially as someone so empowered myself in the past, I'm mad as hell that the administration fucking empowers such people without putting them under the necessary scrutiny!
kinklove said:
I'm sick of these frekkin idiots living off my taxes.
It's far worse than that!

When Clinton signed his 2 executive orders in 1998 that took away many rights and gave the FBI sweeping powers, I was pissed off.
Why? Because it's not the common American causing issues, but those people empowered with national security.
From Clinton administration's stopping on a CIA report about Loral (the biggest contributor to the Democratic party) down to Chinese nationals on the FBI watch list getting jobs in some of our nuclear research centers, these people should have never been empowered with such high clearance!
And they, not the average American, are the fucking problem!

Then W. got in, started using those Clinton executive orders immediately after 9/11.
When he took it to Congress, and put it under legislative oversight and judicial review, I though the balance was restored.
I was a little afraid when he centralized everything into the Department of Homeland security.
And now, after seeing that things like this can seep through background checks, I'm a very pissed off American!

Unless W. fucking addresses this, as a person who has held both defense and financial clearances, he's fucking make the US a very scary place to live!
Rogue Americans or immigrants are far, far less of a problem than the people empowered with intel already!
Congress (and the media) is playing rhetoric games with the White House I could really care less about, well in my professional opinion, this is absolute issue #1 now that everyone should be concerned about!

W., do your fucking job! Yes, this does fall on the President!
You built this Department of Homeland Security, now make sure you (via your executive orders) are checking the background of everyone who gets in!
Otherwise, I've got a bunch of "Founding Fathers" that would love to bitch slap your ass!
Oh this just pisses me off.
Nightfly said:
It's about time we agreed on something, Prof. lol ;) :nanner: :thumbsup:
The biggest national security problem in this country has never been Joe American.
The biggest national security problem is people who are empowered with the gathering of intelligence and execution of national security policy.
If you don't do background checks -- depth proportional to their authority -- on those people, then you might as well forget the whole "Freedom" aspect.
I don't care how low this guy was, that was a red flag that should have flagged him as a "non-hire."

I still believe national security is a necessary evil, there are threats to the US, and peace-loving people like myself are not naive enough to believe otherwise.
But that means anyone empowered with such privileges in national security from intel gathering to execution of policy must have complete background checks.
Especially in the wake of 9/11, I've gone under intense scrutiny myself because of what public and private privileges I hold.
And yet we have people like this, who can't even control their porn (let alone underage aspects!) addiction at work?!?!?!

Because it's not about the porn (let alone kiddie porn), it's about the judgement in how they execute their jobs.
And in the case of this gentleman, it's severely lacking!

So my next question is, who is the fucking outfit that cleared this guy?
DISCO? FBI? Who?!?!?!