kinklove said:
I'm sick of these frekkin idiots living off my taxes.
It's far worse than that!
When Clinton signed his 2 executive orders in 1998 that took away many rights and gave the FBI sweeping powers, I was pissed off.
Why? Because it's not the common American causing issues, but those people empowered with national security.
From Clinton administration's stopping on a CIA report about Loral (the biggest contributor to the Democratic party) down to Chinese nationals on the FBI watch list getting jobs in some of our nuclear research centers, these people should have
never been empowered with such high clearance!
And they, not the average American, are the fucking problem!
Then W. got in, started using those Clinton executive orders immediately after 9/11.
When he took it to Congress, and put it under legislative oversight and judicial review, I though the balance was restored.
I was a little afraid when he centralized everything into the Department of Homeland security.
And now, after seeing that
things like this can seep through background checks, I'm a very pissed off American!
Unless W. fucking addresses this, as a person who has held both defense and financial clearances, he's fucking make the US a very scary place to live!
Rogue Americans or immigrants are far, far less of a problem than the people empowered with intel already!
Congress (and the media) is playing rhetoric games with the White House I could really care less about, well in my professional opinion, this is
absolute issue #1 now that
everyone should be concerned about!
W., do your fucking job! Yes, this does fall on the President!
You built this Department of Homeland Security, now make sure you (via your executive orders) are checking the background of everyone who gets in!
Otherwise, I've got a bunch of "Founding Fathers" that would love to bitch slap your ass!
Oh this just pisses me off.