U.N. urged to take action on asteroid threat!

Anyway, here's an ABC news link on the asteroid, (Apophis), threat;


Artists rendition of a clear day circa 2036

What would happen if you stuck a 10 megaton thermonuclear bomb at the center of an asteroid that might otherwise collide with the Earth? A simulation run by Mark Boslough of Sandia National Labs.
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Get Tom Cruise to do it...strap a nuke on him, and push the button...that way we'll get 2 pain in the asses outta the way in 1 go.

That's too much glory for him to go out on. I say we send him on the next long-range probe out of the solar system. That way aliens will have something to study if they ever find it. I'm sure he will appreciate the irony of it all.
this article was a total tease. first of all civilization is most likely not even going to be around in 2036. secondly, those odds are absurd. every atseroid that has a 1 in 50,000 chance of hitting earth makes the threat list.. but since there are nowhere near 50,000 of them, the odds are that not even a single one of them will hit. and the damage figure is calculated at worst in destroying a small town. If that happens, yeah it sucks for you residents of BFE, but that's hardly an end of the world scenario. I was hoping for a classic rhino anti-nasa post, but I guess I'll have to take it from here. let me just say Fuck technology, i'll keep my pocket change.
We're going to defeat an asteroid...and we can't even implement sanctions on Iran...oh yeah, this will definitely work.
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