Two refugee negro try to steal beer from Finnish shop

if you don;t want refugees in your countries, don't put your nose on the war going on in their countries instead honestly try stopping the war and not act with 2 faces. it's all your fault.

That is true.

Those Western countries which have been involved in the internal affairs of Iraq and Syria are part to blame.

But the biggest culprits are those Iraqis and Syrians who kill their fellow countryman.

You point to a vey important angle of the refugee situation:

We western countries sell giant loads of weapons into the crisis countries, we wreck them economically, we back up the evilest dictators - just so Long as they work in our interest. So their citizens have very Little Chance in those countries to survive. Where to go? I think it is Logical and more than fair to go to our countries, and for us to accept what we have sown for centuries. In a nutshell: This is payback.

I think that the Iraqi tribes and Syrian tribes would go to war against each other even if they do not have weapons that are manufactured in Western countries.

the family of this kid has asked for asylum in Canada, they refused them, and then this happened:


Canada be ashamed! Piss over all your democratic demagogy and bullshit, and all the rest of you, seen it? yea, go ahead now, he was 3 year old, with his family they tried going to Greece from Turkey, their boats drowned, and just because Canada refused them. Canada you FAILED BIG!

Tragic event.

In my view those who are responsible for that tragedy are those gunman that drove that boy and his family out of their homeland.
That is true.

Those Western countries which have been involved in the internal affairs of Iraq and Syria are part to blame.

But the biggest culprits are those Iraqis and Syrians who kill their fellow countryman.

I think that the Iraqi tribes and Syrian tribes would go to war against each other even if they do not have weapons that are manufactured in Western countries.

Tragic event.

In my view those who are responsible for that tragedy are those gunman that drove that boy and his family out of their homeland.

Assari you are the worse idiot I've ever ever seen. try concentrating more on what you read.
Assari you are the worse idiot I've ever ever seen. try concentrating more on what you read.

Why that boy and his family were forced to leave their homeland?

I think that the reason is this:

The country where he was born is a war zone and they were forced to escape.


Is somewhere outhere.
I guess it's easier for them to go to a place like Finland to steal stuff, knowing that they will never get their hands chopped off. Which is what would happen to them in their own country if they tried it.