Practically every Muslim country in the ME is a dictatorship. Iran is a dictatorship. Go into any such country trying to feel smug,warm, and happy liberal Kumbaya crap will land you either dead, videotaped execution, or in jail.
Islam has everything to do with it considering that these two Muslims are safe to carry their journey in a predominantly non muslim country.
They're as safe as an atheist, Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Jew, etc. would be.
Before the US led an invasion of Iraq there were Christians living in Iraq presumably with all the rights of any other Iraqi including joining the Baathist as Tariq Aziz was a Christian.
You're comparing/conflating 2 dissimilar circumstances (either you're too ignorant to know the difference or you're doing it on purpose). These two men are Americans traveling in America with every right to do so. Muslim or not if they were in some middle eastern country with no legal right to be there they'd likely be detained just as fast as any other American. Or just as dead as any other American who stumbled into the wrong part of town or just as dead as any foreigner in America who stumbled into the wrong part of town.
All Muslims can't simply roam all over some parts in their own country. Sunnis would probably be just as dead roaming around some parts of Basra as some Shiite roaming around some parts of Baghdad.
So, what the fuck does the prospects an American gallivanting around in their own country have to do with Americans gallivanting around in a foreign country?? Especially when they may have no legal right to do so.
But your premise is if a foreigner stumbling into the wrong part of America couldn't end up just as dead.